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18 to 30 November 2017 - Top 5 percentile recovery

Above: Mynduveroan and TIMDT.

Grandparents Day. Rowland Hall School. Salt Lake City, UT. 21 November 2017.

Above: Bud and TIMDT.

Grandparents Day. Rowland Hall School. Salt Lake City, UT. 21 November 2017.

Above: Payday Lift. Park City Mountain. 22 November 2017.

Day before opening. Ski patrollers ride the lift.

I walked from Wasatch Bagel to the Resort and back. Part of the process of regaining my strength from broken tibia plateau surgery 23 August 2017.

Above: Studio 10. Orem, UT. Side image of Jay Lawrence. 22 November 2017.

Preparation meeting for Jazz album recording in New York City. 14 December 2017.

Bishop is Executive Producer of the album, which, in addition to Jay, will feature such jazz greats as Joe Patitucci on bass.

Above: Bling and Bishop. Wasatch Bagel. 22 November 2017.

Bling is in town from Albuquerque, NM, to attend Thanksgiving dinner with his four brothers, one sister, in-law-spouses and all descendants. 70 people are expected to attend.

Above: Dr. Garrett Davis. Heber Valley Medical Center. 28 November 2017.

Fractured right tibia plateau near Buena Vista, CO in motorcycle incident, 08 August 2017. Surgical repair. Dr. Davis. 13 August 2017. Non weight bearing through mid October.

Workin' the weak leg on my own. They let you use the equipment as much as you want as long as you are signed up for weekly PT visits.

Still swollen lower leg but swelling is reducing as time passes.

Tender/numbish spot at surgical incision reduces in area and intensity daily.

I'm more exhausted because I walked 3 miles this AM...not so much because I'm working the knee here this afternoon.

Now to the F350 and J.J. Cale. "The Breeze." "Ain't hidin' from nobody. Ain't nobody hidin' on me." — feeling exhausted at Intermountain Park City Hospital.

Above: Killy, TWO3 (black jacket rear) and Guzzi. Opening Day. Park City Ski Resort. 23 November 2017.

As yesterday, I walked up to the resort from Wasatch Bagel... and walked back. About 2 miles round trip.

Above: Mynduveroan and TIMDT. Thanksgiving dinner preparation at home. 24 November 2017.

Attendance: TIMDT, Mwah (sic), B1B, FeeBee, Bud, Mynduveroan, The Commodore.

Haileys have moved out of their rental home and are using their stay with us to transition into their refurbished home post fire damage in September 2016.



You know truly that you are in San Francisco when even the park pigeons panhandle at traffic lights with a sign hanging form their necks reading: “homeless Viet Nam Vet. Please help. God bless”.

I hope that you enjoyed your stay anyway.

Your recovery is continuing- great news- I hope that this continues.

Cheers (and Happy Thanksgiving),

Ahn Rhee,
Larkspur, CA


Hi Steve,
what the heck did you do?
We are fine and wish you and Margaret great Holidays. Love to Jake too.
The kids are coming up to Idaho for Christmas again this year which will be great. Andrew and family won't
be able to come but the rest will be there.

Great that Clayton was at the HBS deal in Utah. He is a walking miracle. So glad Andrew had him as his
advisors at the school.
Love to all,

Ashton, ID


Feedback on "11th Hour, 11th Day, 11th Month."

I want to send the last paragraph of your review to some recalcitrant friends without your name attached. Hope this is alright!

Park City, UT


Nice recommendation, and currently only $2.99 on Kindle.

Los Angeles, CA


Just finished “African Kaiser” where Von Lettie had over 300,000 Allied troops tied up chasing him around East Africa - he initially had about 1200 German officers and NCO’a and up to 10,000 Askari troops and was the only undefeated German general of the war. Due to lack of commutation the war went on a few days longer there. Von Lettiow was anti Nazi - Hitler made life miserable for him, but couldn’t put him away because he was a national hero.

The Colonel,
Bountiful, UT


Great review. You have really gotten deeply into the WWI history.

The Monk,
Salina, UT