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2024's binary choice: Liberty or Progressivism

We are now at the point of having an easily definable, clear cut voter choice for the 2024 presidential election. Those who claim that neither candidate measures up to what they feel is good presidential material are, nonetheless, left with no choice but to vote for DJT, for Joe Biden, for a third-party candidate or to not vote at all. So, notwithstanding Joe Biden's putative senility, DJT's narcissism, or the unlikelihood of a third-party candidate prevailing, what is the real nature of the choice facing the American voter?

If one believes that individual liberty is the best way to advance the human condition, and that the US Constitution is the set piece to guarantee liberty, or "unalienable rights," DJT has shown, by his first term performance, if not by his judicial appointments alone, that he is more likely, if not perfectly, to operate within that space. The other candidate, Joe Biden, has governed in a fashion so as to erode liberty in favor of dirigiste, narrative driven, progressive economic management and radical tops down social engineering. Imperfect though each major party candidate may seem as individuals, the 2024 presidential election offers the choice between markedly different philosophies of governance. A vote for a third-party candidate or a "no vote" is tantamount to a vote against the liberty (DJT) option. I believe in the primacy of human liberty to advance the human condition. Accordingly, I will cast my vote for DJT.

There are other reasons, in addition to advancing human liberty, to prefer DJT. DJT is more likely than Biden (again, based on his first term performance) to restore US deterrence in an increasingly chaotic world, thereby reducing the threat of world war. Also, DJT is more likely to spur, via tax reform/restraint, regulatory curtailment, and entitlement reform, the economic growth required to grow the US out of its increasingly perilous US debt situation.