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America's Declining Labor Force Participation Rate

The cause is spiritually related... loss of hope, aspiration, purpose and meaning particularly among males. Labor Force Participation rate decline is the leading indicator of American decline. It is fascinating to see otherwise leftist or nonpolitical types wake up to the specter of US societal decline and push back against the woke trend. Trump was first in, but for now he's sidelined and most of that space is now being occupied by formerly center/left Elon Musk. To a lesser extent, soi disant center/left entertainers like Rogan, Maher, and Chappelle have also impressed. As a governor, only DeSantis (IOK, Abbot somewhat) has shown the fortitude to kick against the woke pricks. By contrast, Utah's pathetic Pub (?) governor Cox likes to use pronouns and hopes for transgender men to be able to compete in women's sports. Uniparty pubs (think Cox, Delecto) are a great disappointment in not stepping up to denounce cultural trends sinking America.


PS. I couldn't find Mitchell's piece on his site. Maybe it's not posted yet. Send it along if not behind paywall. I remember how good Mitchell was. I'm going to start following.