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"Billionaire Wilderness" by Justin Farrell

Above: Billionaire Wilderness - Justin Farrell - 308 pages.

Farrell never quite succeeds in his effort to paint the rich man as evil or the "working poor" as being oppressed.

I completed reading this book today.
Here is all you need to know about this book:
Yale Professor, Justin Farrell has an agenda: the billionaires of America's wealthiest county, Teton County, Wyoming see the capacity to live in America's most idyllic spot as a reward for their success. True, they give back to their adopted county... in the form of purchasing open space to extend their pristine environment, and arts patronage. But, its all a bit self serving isn't it? Especially in light of the fact that the billionaire bastards do little to improve the plight of Teton Counties working poor in their employ... directly and indirectly.
Farrell interviews a lot of Teton County residents both ends of the rich/poor bar bell. He finds some guilt on the part of the rich. But, the "poor peoples'' reaction can be summarized as follows: "Huh? I have a great job. I enjoy the people I work for. I'm saving enough money to build a retirement home in Oaxaca!"
Farrell never quite succeeds in his effort to paint the rich man as evil or the "working poor" as being oppressed. Notwithstanding America's many problems (including snooty, elitist academics), there is still upward mobility in America and Teton county, also not without its problems (housing shortage etc.), where the poor man or woman, can get ahead with hard work.
Don't waste your time reading this book.