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Booster Jab Oxymoron

Apropos Ron's videos (scroll). Six months ago, my GP asked me if I wanted a Covid booster. I shook my head sans comment. He didn't say a thing and went on to the next topic. I believe, from what I have been reading, most seniors, in a repetition of my own kabuki experience with my GP, are now responding similarly.

We are down the rabbit hole on this. Covid boosters. Another false narrative being pushed out by the government which continues its partnership with big pharma on an ineffectual, likely dangerous, "vaccine." People, better informed today, don't go along with the booster narrative due to the numerous reports like these videos, and the oxymoron is just left hanging out there.

For me, Alex Berenson is best on highlighting problems with the Covid vax. Get on his substack... its free for a while. One Berenson theme is the continuing pushing of the vax on kids, who are at no risk from the disease but, growing risk (study after study) risk from the vax. Europe, for example doesn't vax kids with mRNA.


PS. My review of Berenson's book, "Pandemia," can be found here: "Pandemia" by Alex Berenson | Stephen DeWitt Taylor


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Ron Jones <[email protected]>
To: Steve Taylor <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 08:54:53 AM MST
Subject: Fw: Embalmers, Clots, and a Real-Life Terror Tale
Here are two YouTube links to Dr. John Campbell's supporting videos. The article below is a commentary on the information provided in these videos, particularly the O'Looney interview.
Dare you to watch these videos, then go for your next mRNA booster with a big smile on your face. 


The most frightening thing from the O'Looney interview is the magnitude and scale of the vaccine travesty cover-up underway in the UK. At all levels of government high and low, they are burying as deeply as possible this murderous assault on the people of England.