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Brave Truth Tellers

Climate skeptics (to varying degrees) Willy Soon (Harvard), Richard Lindzen (MIT), Judith Curry (erstwhile Georgia Tech) and Bjorn Lomborg (Copenhagen Consensus Center) remind me of a group of free speech supporting journalists who have made the jump from cushy positions in the political narrative driven, leftist propaganda purveying, corporate media to exercise free speech on independent media platforms such as Substack. Voire, Bari Weiss, Glenn Greenwald and Alex Berenson.

By challenging collectivist narratives, both the climate skeptic scientists and the free speech journalists bring upon themselves the ire of the majority collectivists who dominate corporate media, big tech, and the fourth estate. Collectivists seek greater centralized government power ergo reduced individual freedom, to deal with risks to human survival that, they say, cannot be eliminated within the framework of the current federal government structure where individual liberty is a central tenant. They are willing to cooperate to use their considerable power to suppress dissent (censorship) to get their way.

Will truth out to save sacrosanct individual liberty before these brave new voices are snuffed out? It's like we're watching a movie where the plane is in a spin dive with the pilot (today's truth tellers) in a panic, trying to pull the stick to save the plane before crashing into the ground.

Except that it's not a movie.


PS. There is another group of truth tellers whose voices have been wrongly suppressed by the power-hungry collectivists: I'll call them the Covid protestors. They include eminent epidemiologists like Ioannides, Bhattacharya and Atlas of Stanford.