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Burgess Owens on Biden Impeachment

Above: Burgess Owens, US Congressman, Utah Fourth Congressional District. Elephant Club, Alta Club, Salt Lake City, UT. 30 June 2023.

Owens cited Utah's four, preeminent values:

1. Faith
2. Freedom
3. Family
4. Education.

In the Q and A I asked Owens about whether or not the US House of Representatives was prepared to impeach President Biden for corruption. He replied that when the House impeached President Trump they didn't need to have a lot of evidence against Trump to make their decision. They had the tailwinds of the corporate press to give their case energy. Owens noted that those same corporate press tailwinds insulate President Biden from criticism about corruption. For that reason, Owens noted, Republican investigators need to have a rock solid, smoking gun case to put Biden away. He noted that Republican House investigators are working hard, with good forward momentum, to build a solid impeachment case against President Biden.

Stephen DeWitt Taylor
435 640 6310

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Jones <[email protected]>
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Sent: Mon, Jul 3, 2023 3:36 pm
Subject: Re: Some of Trump's 2024 Campaign Policy Proposals

With a hurdle twice as high as that applied to Trump, easily there.  
On Thursday, June 29, 2023 at 08:07:57 AM MDT, <[email protected]> wrote:
Need an actual smoking gun to impeach.  Not there yet.

Stephen DeWitt Taylor
435 640 6310

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
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Sent: Thu, Jun 29, 2023 6:54 am
Subject: Re: Some of Trump's 2024 Campaign Policy Proposals

Of course you jest?  There is a lot more evidence of Joe's involvement in selling access and influence peddling than existed to launch various Federal and State investigations into the bogus accusation that Trump colluded with the Russian government to win the 2016 election.  Follow the money - how did Joe accumulate 3 big beautiful expensive mansions on a senator's salary before he wrote books or made high paid speeches while VP?  OK, he probably won a lottery and forgot to tell anyone.  Lots of facts to support the accusations that Joe is a pedophile, pervert, liar, and sell out of America (but of course he is no disgrace in the view of some).
On Thursday, June 29, 2023 at 08:21:56 AM EDT, <[email protected]> wrote:
Still no evidence Joe actually involved.  Machinations of the bad son, clearly.

Stephen DeWitt Taylor
435 640 6310

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
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Sent: Thu, Jun 29, 2023 5:54 am
Subject: Re: Some of Trump's 2024 Campaign Policy Proposals

On Thursday, June 29, 2023 at 07:48:46 AM EDT, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:
Yes, lots of actual proof that the Bidens have been selling out America to enrich themselves, but most low-information Democrat voters will probably never know this. The two recent documented actual shakedown messages from Hunter Biden to senior members of the CCP where HB invokes repeatedly "my father sitting next to me", and "the Bidens are best...." are  not being covered by mainstream media this morning.  When I log into AOL every morning there is a string of "news" stories, and this morning there was not one article about  HB's yesterday disclosed message to the CCP bigwhig from Hunter where he claims that the "Bidens are the best at what they do" and demanding $5-10 million for services.  You have to hand it to Democrats they have a talent for controlling the media.  Often, not so much the distortions in what they report, but the legitimate news they often fail to report.  Is it any wonder why so many of their supporters are so ill informed (are low-information voters)? 
On Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 07:43:37 PM EDT, Mariko Gooden <[email protected]> wrote:

Order your T-Shirt today!
On Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 09:41:23 AM EDT, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:
But this is not what the people want.  They want the managed decline of the US.  Biden voters.
Stephen DeWitt Taylor
435 640 6310
Back in 2015/16 Trump made many campaign policy proposals that I figured he would not (or could not) fulfill. Nonetheless, I held my nose and voted for him because of the many policies I thought would be good for our country.  Unlike most of the other candidates (R&D) Trump so far has made clear 2024 campaign proposals during his many speeches and social media postings.  Below is a partial list that I lifted from a recent Forbes Magazine article.  The new owners of Forbes Magazine are no fan of Trump and they put a derisive negative spin on each item; but for my taste, I can't say that I am against any of his proposals although I again doubt his POTUS Constitutional ability to get all of them done (such as stop and frisk which helped lower crime in NYC).
Birthright Citizenship: Trump promised to issue an executive order ending the practice of offering citizenship to almost all U.S.-born people, calling the policy a “reward for breaking” U.S. laws—reiterating a pledge he made as president based on a heavily questionable legal theory that the 14th Amendment does not guarantee automatic citizenship for children born to undocumented migrants.
January 6 Pardons: In September, Trump promised to issue pardons and a government apology to many rioters at the deadly January 6 insurrection on the Capitol building, telling conservative radio host Wendy Bell, “I mean full pardons,” though he later said at a CNN town hall earlier this month he hopes to pardon a “large portion” of rioters convicted for their involvement in the insurrection.
Mandatory Stop-and-Frisk: Trump also said he would require police departments nationwide to implement a controversial policy called “stop-and-frisk,” a police tactic of detaining and searching civilians for weapons and contraband items, even though the tactic was deemed unconstitutional by a federal judge in New York in 2013 and faces widespread criticism for discriminating against people of color, following up on a campaign promise he made as a then-candidate in 2016.
Gender Affirming Care: Trump said he will call on Congress to pass legislation to punish doctors who provide gender-affirming care to minors—a GOP-backed initiative decried by Democrats and LGTBQ organizations, after a slew of states enacted laws restricting gender-affirming care for trans children or banning trans children from using bathrooms that match their gender identity.
Critical Race Theory: Trump also pledged in January to cut federal funding for schools that teach critical race theory, gender identity or “inappropriate” political, racial or sexual material, after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.), Trump’s biggest 2024 rival, signed controversial restrictions on classroom instruction on sexual orientation, gender identity and race.
School Discipline: In addition to restricting classroom instruction, Trump vowed to push the Justice Department and Department of Education to overhaul federal standards on school discipline and “end the leftist takeover of school discipline” (while in office, Trump rescinded an Obama-era policy to ensure students of color were not disproportionately disciplined).
Baseline Tariffs: Trump said in March he plans to implement universal baseline tariffs on most foreign products, amid worsening tensions between the U.S. and China and a push to stem outsourcing to foreign countries (Trump imposed 25% tariffs on Chinese exports during his presidency).
Death Penalty for Drug Offenses: Trump has also proposed instituting the death penalty for drug dealers, smugglers and traffickers, a violation of international human rights laws, even though he had pardoned multiple people convicted of selling drugs during his time in the White House.
Freedom Cities: In perhaps his most unusual policy proposal, Trump outlined a plan to create so-called freedom cities on federal land, holding a contest to design as many as 10 new cities built around “hives of industry” and futuristic vertical-takeoff vehicles, calling the initiative a “quantum leap in the American standard of living.”