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"Dark Matter" by Blake Crouch

Above: "Dark Matter" - Blake Crouch - 359 pages.

Yep. In this book there are multiple Jasons and Danielas. And, well, it gets complicated.

I completed reading this book today..

Though the scientific field of quantum mechanics mainly focuses on the study of sub atomic particles, some modern applications of quantum mechanics delve into more macro applications. Per such quantum mechanics "macro" theory, it is possible that alternative variations of ourselves exist in parallel universes to the one we know we're living in...i.e. there exists a "multiverse.

Well, at least Blake Crouch's novel posits the existence of such a multiverse..

Jason Dessen is happily married to Daniela. They have a 15 year old son, Charlie. Jason teaches physics at a private university in Chicago. Daniela, once a budding artist, is a stay at home mom. Jason was once an academic star... on his way to break through discoveries in quantum mechanics and a Nobel Prize. He and Daniela chose the family life in lieu of realizing their full scientific (Jason) and artistic (Daniela) potential.

But, what if there were a "Jason" and "Daniela" who didn't choose to marry... who chose the career fulfilment option? And what if they existed simultaneously in a parallel universe to the one of the original Jason and Daniella? In fact, what if their were a whole bunch of Jason and Danielas who made differing decisions at various junctures of their lives, who lived in their own, simultaneous parallel universes?

Yep. In this book there are multiple Jasons and Danielas. And, well, it gets complicated.

A "Jason" (Jason 2) who took the scientific career option, invented a technology that allowed for his traveling to and from various "universes" in the multiverse. In his own universe he was a prize winning, scientific rock star.

Notwithstanding his scientific success, Jason 2, not being fulfilled in life, arranged to travel to the "universe" where he had known Daniela. Perhaps he could rekindle something better in his life with Daniela. He was a scientific legend as a young man... he was adulated throughout the world.... but, something was missing... as in a love of his life and a family.

Jason 2's quest for happiness would not allow him to go back in time, but, he could link into the original universe during the current time. To accomplish the happiness Jason 2 was seeking, he would have to displace the contented Jason 1.

Jason 1, kidnapped by Jason 2, wakes up in Jason 2's world. Jason 1 wants out of the new world despite the fact that he is adulated as a scientific genus. He comes to realize what has happened and despite the seeming attraction of being a world renowned scientist, he wants to return to life with his family. He realizes that if he is successful returning there will be a confrontation with his doppelganger, Jason 2.

The story is about how Jason 1, wanting so badly to get back to his family, "learns" the methods of his doppelganger (Jason 2)'s scientific achievements which, in turn, will allow him to return "home."

Jason 1 is helped by a psychiatrist, Amanda, on Jason 2's staff, who is now disaffected with her erstwhile, departed boss.

Special drugs are required to enter the multiverse and Amanda, well schooled in the multiverse entry (but not exit) process, provides Jason 1 with the drugs and tools of entry to the multiverse.

Amanda, seeing no future In a world where she has betrayed her mentor, decides to join Jason 1 in his quest to reach home.

Jason and Amanda have about 45 shots (drug doses) each to reach, using a mysterious metal box invented by Jason 2, the desired multiverse version of Chicago.

Most of Jason 1's and Amanda's return attempts lead them to horrific and strange versions of the Chicago known by Jason.

On more than one occasion in his search for "his Chicago," Jason 1 encounters Daniela in the wrong alternate universe.

In one of the universes reached by Jason 1 and Amanda, they found a Daniella who had never met up with Jason 2, nor had she married Jason 1 before hand. She had moved on to become the great artist her early accomplishments portended . She valued her good times with Jason as a discarded boy friend and hoped that Jason would come to her grand opening art show. By coincidence, Jason 1, in one of his misbegotten attempts to find his own "universe," came into contact with Daniela at her show. Enough. No spoiler here!

The book is a page turning thriller. The author celebrates the importance of family over career achievement. The book calls upon one to reflect on the choices one has made and what might have happened had one taken a different turn at various junctures in life.

"Dark Matter", a page turner, can be read in a long afternoon or an evening. I enjoyed it. Crouch writes so as to make the complex seem understandable.