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DJT Win 2016 and Loss 2020 Each Providential?

I came across my 2016 endorsement of DJT for president when organizing my diaries. Resisting a tsunami of fraud and lies from administrative state and the cultural left, DJT not only survived his presidency, he threw a big spanner into the works of rampant progressivism. Mwah (sic) prescient as usual.


PS. There is a growing school of thought that DJT's 2020 loss was as providential as his 2016 win. DJT's 2020 loss exposed the raw, venal, underbelly of unbridled progressivism and so-called global reset. We'll see if there is any truth to this providential theory in three weeks.

Following is my 03 November 2016 endorsement for Donald J. Trump to become president of the United States:

Why I will vote for Donald J. Trump for US President 03 November 2016

POLICY PRESCRIPTIONS. Ruling class leadership (as represented by HRC) has ruined America. Financial mismanagement (excessive debt, overspending, student loans, collapse of public schools, welfare policies leading to family disintegration, weakest recovery since WWII), middle class shrinkage, infrastructure decay, uncontrolled immigration, flaccid millennial generation, endless wars, and slipping personal freedom. America has lost its mojo. More big government solutions from HRC will lead to a continuation of US decline. Trump's program, by contrast, is pro US recovery and growth.

HE FIGHTS. Resisting all advice, Lincoln chose boozer U.S. Grant to lead Union forces where other generals, more senior to Grant, had failed. "I don't care if he is a drunk," said Lincoln. "Send him a case of whiskey. He fights." Trump, an imperfect vessel, flights. In the face of incredible personal attacks, he doubles down to reassert his political positions. How refreshing he is in contrast to the weak, politically unprincipled, progressive fellow traveler, Pub nominees of recent past years. If Trump is Grant, then, certainly Romney is McClellan.

CULTURE. Trump conflates American culture with American greatness. His opponent diminishes American greatness in pursuit of a globalist effort tilted away from American workers towards workers of emerging economies. Handmaid to globalism is radical secular government, which destroys culture eg. national identity. Without national identity, America ceases to be great. What replaces American culture? Look to culturally disintegrating France as a bellwether for the damage HRC's radical secularism inflicts on culture and religion.