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Fauci Fear Persists

Fauci remains a hero to establishment, administrative state, swamp and their useful idiot followers... still half or more of the country and "owners" of publishing, mainstream news and social media. Pubs (with McConnell, Delecto, and Utah Congressional delegation pushing hard on the brakes) will do nothing to hold him to account should they get some power in November. Fauci make $20 million on his memoirs and fade into history along with other unpunished mass killers such as Margaret Sanger, and Rachael Carson.

At LSDM gab session this AM a friend told the story of how he recently attended a Park City, UT public meeting. A masked woman, he said, sat down beside him when there were plenty of extra seats. She immediately asked him, "have you been vaxxed?" My friend is a good guy not wanting to make waves. He politely noted as how he had been vaxxed four times. This is not what I would have said and is probably one of the reasons I don't attend these types of meetings. Point is, however, that Fauci fear is still alive and well in the US today.