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Halting Ukraine War Brings Bigger Problems?

From a correspondent: "I’m previously on record saying that we cannot let Russia overtake Ukraine because this will lead to much bigger problems for the 'free world'."

If Putin takes over Ukraine, what are the "bigger problems" for the free world?

Putin, unlike the Bolsheviks, has never shown intent to missionize, militarily or via propaganda, the world to the benefits of collectivism. The West has already adopted Bolshevik, collectivist, fascist ideology. Lenin and Khruschev are smiling from their graves.

Rather, Putin knows that Russia, beleaguered by alcoholism and population decline needs national, cultural revival. Consolidating majority Russian population Russian lands is, as he sees it, his way to accomplish Russian revival. There is no threat to the US coming from Putin's foray into Ukraine. Sure, the US needs to stand by its NATO commitments, but, other than that, to what end engage in proxy war with Russia via Ukraine?

Speaking of "bigger problems," US involvement in Ukraine is a distraction from the larger concern of China and the need for a now shaky QUAD alliance to reinforce Taiwan's independence. By channeling US resources into the Ukraine, Europe is weakened by higher energy costs, China is empowered via its acquisition of cheap Russian energy, a non-aligned (BRICS) movement, looking to Russia and China for economic cooperation outside of the dollar world, gains strength, and Ukraine's youth is wiped out.

Tell me again. What are the bigger problems resulting from calling for peace in Ukraine?