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High Performing BYU Graduates

BYU is ranked number twenty in the Wall Street Journal 2023 US university ranking.

BYU academics are solid, but academically BYU is not Cal Tech, MIT or Princeton. BYU's high ranking in the WSJ top US universities list is due to new criteria in the ranking calculation which give ranking points to how well students do, post-graduation, in the work force. This begs the question, why do BYU students do comparatively well post-graduation? Are they less woke, therefore less likely to be disruptive social justice warriors on the job? Relatively, more BYU graduates are married with children. Does this mean that they might be more intently focused on getting ahead at work to support their families? Or could it be related to the Howard Hughes phenomenon? 1960's Las Vegas based industrialist Howard Hughes unabashedly surrounded himself with Mormon executives. Hughes liked them because they didn't drink, smoke, or gamble, which meant that he could trust them not to succumb to the vices of Las Vegas and handle his business with discretion and integrity. Whatever the reason, the value of a BYU degree is looking pretty good these days.

BYU, '69

PS. Dad, Weldon J. Taylor, Dean of BYU College of Business from 1960 to 1975 would be pretty proud to see this ranking.