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LDS in No Man's Land?

Above:  LDS Temple, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 22 January 2023.
"Seeing a strong LDS symbol overseas, such as this temple, helps me appreciate that LDS leaders have more to consider than just the US when dealing with government policy controversies." SDT, 22 January 2023.
Still, the LDS Church, when push comes to shove, whatever the cost, is going to have to stand up for its principles and doctrine or go the way of all the rest of apostate Christianity. For what doth a church profit if it gains the whole world at the expense of its soul? If you see the leadership start compromising basic doctrine and the content of revealed scripture - something I don't believe is going to happen - you'll know they've opted for the latter.
I am inclined to believe the church is presently in a sort of no-man's land, between heaven and hell, trying to juggle all manner of issues - for example gay rights, illegal alien issues and, yes, the international composition of today's membership - trying on the fringes to compromise what they think they can, thereby hoping to mute criticism and buying the church more time before all hell breaks loose, without actually compromising the critical essence of the Marvelous Work and a Wonder.
Still, I think they're whistling past the graveyard... The satanic evil afoot in the world, sooner or later, is going to focus on the essential message of the LDS Church - the declaration of the restoration of the true Church of Jesus Christ in the last days - "the only true and living church on the face of the whole earth" (D&C1:30) - how's that for a poke in the eye of Satan and his minions? - and they - we - are going to have to put up or shut up regarding the revealed substance of the Restoration.
Sandy, UT 06 February 2023
Keeper from Torq.  SDT.  06 February 2023.