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Make uninsured deposit at Zions Bank?


The Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) depositor bailout of uninsured depositors was supposedly done to avoid contagion into the broader banking system. Would the government bail out the uninsured depositors of a much smaller than SVB failed regional bank like Zions? As for myself, without an explicit government guarantee of my Zions uninsured deposits, I personally, would seek a bigger bank to house my "uninsured" deposits. If Lehman Brothers can be discarded, why not the smaller and less significant Zions, which seemingly in isolation, likely poses no contagion risk to the banking system in the event of its collapse?

If my Zions deposit levels were consistently less than $250K and I otherwise liked my relationship with Zions I probably would stay with them. That being said, increased withdrawals of uninsured deposits from Zions customers spooked by the SVB situation could put additional pressure on Zions already lackluster financial results.