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Military Recruitment in the Tank

Note on Author:  George (not his real name).  Colonel (ret) US Marine Corps.  2X combat tours Vietnam.  Annapolis, 1968 (same class as James Webb, John McCain, Oliver North, John Poindexter, and John McFarlane).
Military recruitment is in the tank.  There are all kinds of reasons and excuses.  (See the attached link below.)  However, it should be no big surprise.  I certainly would not encourage a young man or woman to join today's woke, politicized armed forces.  In a military culture where CRT and LGBTQ receive more attention and appear to carry more weight than war fighting and esprit, no wonder that slim segment of qualified, patriotic young people who under normal circumstances would make up the backbone of the ranks, are turned off.  The leadership examples are equally off-putting.  Who wants to serve under generals and admirals who are more interested in careerism than taking care of their troops?  Senior officers who pay more attention to political correctness than winning wars?  Who in their right mind would want to be put in harm's way for dubious causes designed to prolong crisis for the gain of an elite few?  Where leadership is suspect and self-serving?  Activists are more valued than warriors?  While our faux leadership may be concerned about the numbers, the much more serious problem is the hollowed-out force and suicidal policies affecting our national security.  Our enemies are watching and gloating at the folly of our corrupt leadership.   I fear for our nation...