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My votes in the Utah 25 June 2024 Republican Primary

On 12 June 2024 I deposited my completed ballot containing my votes, as a resident of Summit County, Utah, for the Republican primary election. Following are my votes for Utah congressional district 3, US Senator, and Governor.

US Congress - Utah 3

I voted for Mike Kennedy.

If you are not worried that the current Democrat government running the country is illegitimate in its assault on the US Constitution; that FISA reauthorization is an egregious violation of Americans' First Amendment rights; or, that funding the Ukraine War is one of America's greatest moral failures, you would likely be pretty happy with the five middle of the road, Republican establishment, "uniparty" leaning candidates running in the Utah 3 congressional district Republican primary, All of five candidates have solid records of accomplishment in life. But none of the five candidates is going to join the Freedom Caucus if elected. For these five candidates, "I want to reach across the aisle," gets more emphasis than "the country is in danger and must be rescued from the evil Democrat push towards godless socialism." This approach emulates the approach of current Utah 3 congressman, John Curtis, who is leaving his seat to run for Utah Senate. Considering Curtis' popularity, maybe "Utah nice, or can't we all just get along?" is the way to compete in Utah 3.

My optimal candidate would have been Colby Jenkins, running in Utah 2. Jenkins, more attuned than other candidates to growing American peril coming from the American left, is unstinting in his support for constitutional government, protection of American rights (he would have voted against the FISA reauthorization), and against funding of the Ukraine War. A West Pointer, a combat tested veteran, and a family man (his daughter is currently enrolled at West Point), Jenkins stands in stark contrast to his lackluster, go with the uniparty flow, incumbent opponent, Celeste Maloy. Alas, I don't live in Utah 2 so I can't vote for Jenkins.

I voted for Mike Kennedy because, of all the candidates, he temporized on Ukraine funding, though, disappointingly, he was supportive of FISA renewal. Also, Kennedy was uncommonly effective as a state legislator for his leadership crafting Utah S.B. 16, which severely limited so-called gender affirming care treatments on children under eighteen.

Just over six years ago, I held a fundraiser at my home to support Mike Kennedy and his primary run against Mitt Romney for the US Senate seat of retiring Orrin Hatch. I admit to being disappointed with Kennedy's subsequent 2018 milquetoast campaign against Romney, the eventual primary election winner. That was then. This is now. Mike Kennedy is running a very good campaign effort. Today, Mike Kennedy stands out from his four primary opponents, hence he gets my vote.

Thumbnail comments on "the other four" candidates. Repeat: Political ideology within the Republican spectrum aside, all of these candidates are impressive individuals with solid levels of accomplishment.

J.R. Bird. Good guy, running a good campaign. Rural upbringing and successful rural life story. My second choice.
John "Frugal" Dougal. Universally respected. Sterling record of accomplishment in Utah State Government. Not running a strong campaign.
Case Lawrence. Lawyer and successful businessman. I was put off by his "I'm not going to be a cultural warrior" statement to LSDM.
Stuart Peay - Cynical grab for Dem crossover votes by getting Romney's endorsement left me a bit cold.

US Senator

I voted for Trent Staggs.

I voted for Trent Staggs for the same reason that he was endorsed by Donald Trump and Rand Paul. He is more likely than his popular opponent John Curtis to challenge the elitist, establishment, big government orthodoxy in Washington that, IMHO, is doing more damage than good to America. Curtis is a good man, but more inclined to get along than disrupt. We have reached a point where, I believe, disruption is required.


I voted for Phil Lyman.

Lyman is strong on states' rights. He wants to eliminate Utah's income tax and grow Utah's economy by quantum levels with increased natural resource development. He's walked the talk in challenging Fed oversight of Utah lands by being sentenced to ten days in federal prison with three years' probation for his role in an ATV protest ride down San Juan County's Recapture Canyon in 2015. Lyman is the real deal in conveying his passion for Utah and for limited national government.

I am not a fan of incumbent Governor Cox. Cox's stance on social issues is ambiguous. He vetoed for a bill (overridden by the state legislature) calling for prohibition of transgender men in women's sports. Cox, at the 2024 Republican Party Convention, expressed overt disdain for Utah Republican Party activists. He takes a different tack elsewhere. At the 2023 National Governor's Conference, Cox called for the adoption of a "Disagree Better" theme to be used by Republicans in public matters. Cox advocated for anti-science masking in public schools during coronavirus. One doesn't get the sense of Cox being a straight shooter, though, to his credit, he has been solid on standing for Utahn's Second Amendment rights.