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Picto Diary - 01 July 2017 - Electric Bus

Above: New electric bus in Park City. 01 July 2017.

Kudos to Park City leaders for getting behind the Trumpian revival of world's cheapest energy source: Coal.

74% of Utah's electrical power is coal sourced. Utah's cheap coal based energy is a major factor in creating the state's burgeoning, nationally leading economy.

Cheap Utah coal power is also a God-send to struggling lower income Utah families helping them to make ends meet.

Always good to see Park City doing the right thing.

Above: "My Dad Had That Car." Dolly's Book Store. Park City, UT. 01 July 2017.

Nostalgic book.

I think about cars, frequently... often while, paradoxically, riding a motorcycle., as a kid I and my friends obsessed over each new make and model that was produced. We knew the year and make of all American cars when we were growing up in the '50's. New model shapes and designs came out annually for each brand., driving a car and growing up conjoined. Most of us had learned to drive a stick, helped by Dad, and driven Dad's car a few miles on back roads, by the end of our twelfth year. today kids aren't interested in cars, which have been replaced by video games and organized soccer. today, at least with respect to design, there isn't much difference between various makes of a four door sedan. Is that a Buick or a Hyundai? today, as engines are de-tuned because of federal fuel consumption mandates, manufacturers attempt to differentiate their products with electronics and safety features. today, there is little to be interested in.
There are some great cars out there, but most kids and millennial today see cars as little more than transportation, with no iconic or romantic appeal. today, millennials embrace the idea of Lyft and driverless cars.

Things always change, but not always for the better. I can't help but think that our growing detachment from the automobile as a personal or cultural identifier, and as a tool to exercise our individuality, is accompanied by a "frog in the heating pot" erosion of personal freedom as we morph our transportation ways to a Borg-like dependency on the faceless "apparatus." — at Dolly's Bookstore.

Above: Three images. 01 July 2017.

Barbeque tonight and friends/neighbors.

Pedigreed friend.

Hot car (fastest production car on road), adapted motorcycle (2014 Triumph), and grandfather (Robert Shaw) who won Isle of Man some time back in the day.