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Picto Diary - 01 to 05 August 2023 - Dick Measelle Three Year Remembrance

Above: Family of Richard Measelle circa 1985.

Today, 01 August 2023, marks three years to the day after Dick Measelle's passing. I adapted this post from a Facebook submission by Dick's daughter, Milly Tremonti. Following is a tribute by Milly to her dad:

Sweet dad, it is hard to believe three years ago today we were forced to say goodbye. You are in our hearts and thoughts every day. It still hurts just as much, and each time I look at your picture it still doesn’t feel possible. I’m grateful to you for so much, but most of all that you made it possible to have four amazing siblings. We’ve supported one another and continue to share stories of you with each other. These memories are forever with us. I carry you in my heart wherever I go. I pray that heaven is a Willie Nelson, Bob Seger, Red Wings, Detroit Tigers, and Lions game every day!! I hope you feel our love still and always… Milly Tremonti

Above: Dick Measelle's second, in sequence, family. August 2023.

Luke, Alison, and Rory.

Dick is sorely missed by all his ROMEO friends in Park City, UT. For me, Park City après ski was never the same when Dick moved to the UK. SDT

Are you guys coming or what?

Above: Deer Valley Amphitheater. 03 August 2023.

Utah Symphony and cover band. The Music of Queen.

Hat tip: Maui

Above: LSDM Friday colloquium. Wasatch Bagel, Park City, UT. 04 August 2023.

Topic du jour: Summit County Property Tax increases. The basis of assessment increases in Summit and Wasatch Counties is a computer aided design model whereby subject properties are increased by a rate set by the taxing authority. This is based (loosely) upon market prices of sales. They do not conduct appraisals, but instead run the model over the groups of property subject to reappraisal (about 20% per year). After an appraisal increase a property owner can appeal, but since this increase isn't based upon an actual appraisal and Utah is a non-disclosure state, this becomes an uphill and expensive process. These counties are working outside the policies of property tax assessment recommended by the state's tax board, but unless there is sufficient impetus from those taxpayers, the tax board does not wish to change this renegade policy. (Hat tip: The Actuary)

Above: LSDM Walkers. Old Town, Park City, UT. 04 August 2023.

LSDM walkers observe the only permitted billboard in Park City. If/when humans many generations hence view this billboard, they will wonder if it is some kind of shrine.

Above: LSDM Walkers. 05August 2023. Park City, UT.

North Forty observations. Heron and hollyhocks.

Above: Wanship Rail Trail. Summit county, UT. 05 August 2023.


Correction on Alma Jewel Dickerson interment ceremony descendants' attendance:

Above: Three of Alma Jewel Dickerson's twenty grandchildren. Imboden, Cemetery. Imboden, Arkansas. 29 July 2023.

In image: Cousins: Thomas Dickerson (Tony Dickerson), Phoebe Taylor Hailey (Margaret Taylor), and Bill Dickerson (Tony Dickerson).

Three of Alma Jewel's six children were present: Margaret Dickerson Taylor, Marshall Dickerson, Tony Dickerson. Not present: Peggy Stalnaker (deceased); Allan Dickerson (undergoing critical, daily medical procedure); Patty Dickerson.

Eight Alma Jewel Dickerson grandchildren present: Lisa Stalnaker Bailey (Peggy Stalnaker); Phoebe Taylor Hailey and Jake Taylor (Margaret Dickerson Taylor); Jessie Dickerson Lane (Marshall Dickerson); Thomas Dickerson, Bill Dickerson and Jessie Dickerson (Tony Dickerson); Alex Dickerson (Patty Dickerson).

Two great grandchildren Chelsea Matheny (Peggy Stalnaker/Lisa Stalnaker Bailey), and Grant Greenwell (Peggy Stalnaker/Susan Stalnaker Greenwell) and one great great grandchild Hayden Matheny (Peggy Stalnaker/Lisa Stalnaker Bailey/Chelsea Matheny) were present.

Note: Allan, who ably quarterbacked his mother's care arrangements over the last several years expressed regrets about his inability to attend for medical reasons.

Note: Alma Jewel and Bill did their job for Western Civilization spawning a wonderful, successful progeny who were well represented at her interment.


Margaret, I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your talk at Mom's funeral. It was very uplifting. I actually did not know what the spirit of the day was going to be except hot. 
You and Marshall just hit on the right points of Mom's life, and I loved it.
When Marshall and I went to clear out the room. It was very sad. What do you keep of a person's life. Luckily, we found the journal and poems and that set the tone.
We were able to get the things that Allan wanted. We threw away some things and kept none of her clothes. I'm sure there are people in the home that can use her clothes. 
I kept the afgan that Mom made. I have one exactly the same except for the color. Do you want it? We can mail it to you. 
I didn't get to talk to many people. You were asking me about the Irish bread, but we got interrupted. I was going to tell you that the bread came out the best when I measured the ingredients with regular spoons (not measuring spoons). It dawned on me that people never used to have measuring cups and spoons. They used teacups and spoons. I did that and my bread was just about perfect.
Mom gave me her copy of your cookbook. I really want to make something from it but haven't yet. I gathered most of the spices and put them in a marked jar and froze them. I keep most of my spices and flours in the freezer.
I haven't had a working oven for about 2 months now. Something is wrong with the propane but only in the oven. The rest of the stove works fine. Marshall wants to buy some used stove and I told him I wasn't going to have an old green stove in my kitchen. I have become pretty proficient with my toaster oven, IPOT and turkey roaster. Besides it has been way too hot to do any major baking. 
I'm going to close now. 
It was great to see Phoebe and Jake. I'm waiting on Ben to come over and fix my phone. I think we are going to change companies, and each get a new phone. Marshall hates his and mine is just old.
Hopefully my mind hasn't wandered too badly. Take care, 
Linda Dickerson,
Joplin, MO

Facebook comment from Lisa, Alma Jewel's granddaughter, daughter of Margaret's sister Peggy Stalnaker (deceased 2022). "As I listened to the eulogy and the stories told about my grandmother's life during her service this weekend, I thought about the times in my life that were spent with her. I'll be honest, they weren't consistent. Depending on where we lived, where she lived, my age, and my interests, there were sometimes stretches of time that I didn't see my grandmother at all. However, no matter the time or distance, I do remember that her arms were always open. Every single time I got the chance to visit with her, talk with her, and spend time with her, she welcomed me without hesitation. She never scolded me for waiting so long, instead she gave me a big hug and told me how happy she was to see me. She never once brought up any of my mistakes or poor choices, instead she asked how things were going, about my accomplishments, and my dreams.

As I reflect on these times we spent together, I think how much like Jesus her actions were. How no matter where I've been, what I've done, or how long I've been away, Jesus welcomes me back when I return to him. He offers forgiveness and love and wraps me in His arms.
I am grateful for a grandmother who loved like Jesus. I hope I will be remembered for doing the same." Lisa Bailey, granddaughter Alma Jewel Dickerson.

Lisa Stalnaker Bailey,
Harrison, AR

Above: LDS Branch President Ring and Alma Jewel Dickerson's grandson Alex. Imboden, AR. 29 July 2023.

On Tue, Aug 1, 2023, 11:22 AM Margaret Taylor <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear President Ring,
Thank you for all you did for Mom's service and for your talk. Mom always wanted to go back to Arkansas. About 20 years ago we moved mom and dad, Patti and Alex out to Utah to live near us. We bought them a nice house with plenty of room for all of them. We furnished the house nicely and were able to visit them every week. That lasted one year, and they went back to Arkansas. My brother, Allan, invited Mom to live with him in Connecticut when Dad died but she refused. So, it’s unfortunate that she was alone in her final years. We are grateful for all that the members of the branch did for her. The Relief Society especially. I was able to come only once a year.
Thank you also for the flowers that were sent from the branch. I pray that all who were so kind to mom will be blessed for their service. Thank you.
Margaret Dickerson Taylor and the Dickerson family.

You are so very welcome. Bro and Sis Dickerson were such good members of our branch. He and now she will be dearly missed. God bless your family and may their lives remain honored by their family members.
Pres. Charles Ring, Pocahontas, AR LDS Branch President

Above: Alan Dickerson and family with President Obama in Oval Office. Circa 2019. Alma Jewel was proud of the accomplishments of her children and grandchildren. The occasion of this image was the successful accomplishment of grandson Michael, standing to the right of President Obama, on his overseership of launching the final, successful version of the Affordable Care Act website. Also, in image, are Alma Jewel's grandchildren Evan, Megan and Mollie. Alan's wife Debbie stands at left to the president.

My heartfelt sympathies and condolences to Margaret.

Drummer Jay,
Lehi, UT

Dear Steve:

What a lovely recollection of this family event. Peace and love to you.


Park City, UT

Steve: I am overwhelmed by all this nostalgia brought on by the visit to Park City and our discussions. You mentioned the "circus." I was trolling through my fotos, looking for something else, and came on this.

Montreal, Quebec

Fabulous reminiscence of a key formative event in our lives, Cosmo. Hat tip, Shirley and Pax. Send more when you come across them!