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Picto Diary - 01 to 08 January 2022

Above: 777 and Bishop. Wasatch Bagel. 01 January 2023.

First LSDM meeting of 2023.

Above: Bishop wardrobe malfunction. Deer Valley, UT. 01 January 2023.
23 01 187

Wardrobe malfunction takes Bishop off the mountain on big snow day. It is also true that the deep powder and low visibility in heavy falling snow really spooked The Bishop. I started down Little Stick to find myself in over a foot of powder, which I couldn't handle. I quickly veered left to get to Success where I found four inches of powder atop second grooming. I handled this pretty well, but the cold was penetrating through the defective open jacket, and I decided to bag it.

Above: TV image of Rose Parade, ABC broadcast. 02 January 2023.

Trombone section of a Texas high-school marching band. I was a marching trombonist in Provo High School marching band in 1962. To this day I get a lump in my throat when I see a high performing marching band. I look at these kids and sense the pride and joy they must be feeling marching and playing in synch, the culmination of much music practicing and marching training. Notoriously, the nation's best marching bands are from Big Ten universities, to wit, Michigan, Ohio State. The Big Ten's Penn State marching band is at this parade. I'm looking forward to watching their performance at half time of today's Rose Bowl football game between Penn State and Utah. Go Penn State! PS. I have two friends who were in Purdue's (also Big Ten) marching band (at different times). Each recounts their marching band experience as being one of the best of their lives. Each note how daily training and drilling contributed to building pride, esprit de corps, and friendships, happily keeping them at a distance from the debilitating college partying, drinking and drugs scene.

Above: FeeBee. Fall 2022. 02 January 2023.

The two most photogenic people I know are FeeBee and her mom. FeeBee and B1B excelling at raising interesting, high achieving kids!

Above: B1B. 990. PCMR. 01 January 2023.

Image by FeeBee. Powder Day Plus.

Above: Iron Canyon, Park City, UT. 02 January 2022.

I came out of quarantine yesterday and went skiing. TIMDT is feeling normal, but weak. She is staying at home for now.

Above: Drums clearing our deck. Iron Canyon, Park City, UT. 02 January 2022.

Above: Deer Valley, UT. 03 January 2023.
24 06 193

25 10 203 (Deer Valley) 04 January 2023)

26 08 211 (Deer Valley 05 January 2023)


Love reading all of your updates and grandchildren accomplishments in music. Have a wonderful 2023 full of travels, health and family love.
Miami, FL

Get well soon. Hope our bouts with CV provides us greater immunity than vaxxes.
Massapeaqua, NY

Dear Steve,
It looks like you and Margaret have done a great job as parents- Jake is honest and, more important, has a quirky sense of humor.
Congratulations on a job well done!
Ahn Rhee,
Marin County, CA

You haven't lost touch with ALL your PHS friends!
Don't despair for the future. The great children we have raised will fill our place in the world admirably when we are gone. Have a healthy and happy 2023.
Let it snow!
Academy Theater,
Salt Lake City, UT