Picto Diary - 01 to 09 November 2024 - DJT winner of US presidential election

Above: Iron Canyon, Park City, UT. 02 November 2024.
Whole fam damily except Drums, who is in college in Texas.

Above: Iron Canyon, Park City, UT. 04 November 2024.

Above: Steve's Steakhouse, Richfield, UT. 05 November 2024.
Bishop, Monk, and Deacon.

Above: Toe Trail, Ivins, UT. 06 November 2024.

Above: American Flag, Snow Canyon State Park, Washington County, UT. 07 November 2024.
Out and about in the 392.
Trump victory in yesterday's US presidential election. Good day to be an American.
Americans have elected "Hitler" and turned back the zombie-like invasion of America by the Democrat, Walking Dead.
Stymied: featherbedding, inflation loving, over spending pols; socialist redistributionists; America haters; crime lovers; narcissistic, out of touch A listers; Covid scammers; war mongering neocons; Hunger Games, ivy league, self-serving, deep state lying elitists; anti-family and anti-marriage misanthropes; Ritalin purveying toxic male suppressors; education saboteurs; Critical Race Theory racists; child sacrifice death cultists; girls' sports trans enablers;...and their supporters.
There now is a real shot at righting this sinking ship. Goal: 4% GDP growth; reduced indebtedness (rate reduction then actual reduction); restored deterrence; border integrity; and, reinstated equal opportunity culture.
Special shout out to following voter cohorts who defied conventional wisdom with their above expectation voter support for Donald Trump:
Young males.
White women.

Above: Tushar Mountains, Beaver County, UT. 07 November 2024.

Above: Fremont Indian State Park, Sevier County, UT. 07 November 2024.
Fremont Indian petroglyphs circa 1000 AD.

Above: LSDM Colloquium, 08 November 2024 - Wasatch Bagel, Park City, UT.
Topics du jour:
Congrats to Glenn Wright, candidate (D) US Congress, (Utah 3) for significantly upping his vote percentage totals from his last run, 2022.
SB 54. Controversy going away or persisting?
Cohorts essential to DJT victory: Hispanics, young males, married white women.
Roger interview today: Summit County Road Plowing.
Dakota Pacific meeting. Per Glenn, even 170 new units is not enough to trigger UDOT changes at Kimball Junction.
Jeremy: RFP out for Bonanza Park project. Things are moving forward.
Public Works, City Offices, Marsac changes? Jeremy: Under discussion. Nothing firm yet.
HC Rant: Things work well here because we are a resort community which depends on tourist dollars. Lets not forget that! We gave up significant lift improvements at PCMR due to community activism on Comfortable Carrying Capacity (CCC). Resort ratings of PCMR and DV fell off in ski mag rankings. We don't want to lose the cachet that sustains this area's success. Shouldn't we acknowledge that we are really Disneyland?
Energy. Net zero an illusory goal? Rise of data center demand for power attenuates virtuous drive for green. Utah has a big data center opportunity with low cost coal energy. Will coal energy see a revival? Geothermal is now costly but has potential to become price competitive.

Above: Snow Creek, Park City, UT. 08 November 2024.
LSDM Walkers.
When are they going to pick up and fly south?

Above: Rockport State Park, Summit County, UT. 09 November 2024.
Rafter of turkeys.
Looks like a wonderful trip. Thanks for sharing!
Apple—(I love my handle!)
Lehi, UT