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Picto Diary - 01 to 10 March 2022 - Grass Roots Political Activism

43 16 519
The Pope
01 March 2022

Above: Heber Valley from Empire Summit. 02 March 2022.
44 16 535
The Pope.

Above: Park City High School Varsity Jazz Band, Eccles Center Park City. 02 March 2022.

This number is in rare 8/7 key signature. These kids are really good! Who needs outside celebrities? Drums rocks. Overjoyed watching this kid, who at three years of age, I used to bounce on my knee as we watched rock videos. Now he drums at a near professional level.

Above: Bishop and Mark. Deer Valley, UT. 03 March 2022.
45 16 551
The Pope

Mark skis so smoothly that he looks like he is going slowly when actually he's skiing fast.

Above: Bishop, Monk, Pope. Park City, UT. 03 March 2022
Renewing 40-year friendships.

46 16 567
Deer Valley, UT, 04 March 2022.
The Pope

Bishop Top 10 favorite ski resorts:
1. Fariah, Lebanon
2. Pine Creek, WY
3. Sapporo, Japan
4. Lee Canyon, NV
5. Telluride, CO
6. Eagle Point, UT
7. Beaver Mtn., UT
8. Okishiga, Japan
9. Sundance, UT
10. Brian Head, UT

47 16 583
Deer Valley, UT
05 March 2022

Above: Menu, Snow Park Lodge, Deer Valley, UT. 08 March 2022.
48 16 599

For the first time this year I decided to go to Snow Park Lodge for breakfast. Before the restaurant was closed last year for Coronavirus, I was a semi-regular at Snow Park breakfast. I always ordered the same thing: "two over hard," and two pork sausages. Breakfast at Snow Park was more than the food. Many of the cashiers, buffet cooks, and bussers had been there for years. I enjoyed the banter with these restaurant employees. If there was no line at the protein/pancake stand, I would wave from a distance at head chef Jose on entry and he'd start cooking the eggs. The seating MO was "find your own."

Today I was greeted politely at the restaurant entrance. The female greeter showed me to a table. I confirmed that the restaurant had switched from buffet style, seat yourself service to table service. Except, there would be no waiter. The procedure called for ordering and paying on your smart phone after scanning the pictured code. I would have to call up a menu, mark my dining choice then enter my card information for payment. All this would be done without talking to a human being. I was to wait for a server to deliver my order after completing the ordering and payment procedure.

I couldn't get my phone to open the ordering process. I told one of the servers I was stymied in my ordering and asked if there was a way of bypassing the phone ordering process. Two or three minutes later, a supervisor came to my table. I told him I was ready to order and didn't need a menu. I asked from my traditional breakfast fare: two over hard and two sausages. The supervisor took my card and walked off. After ten minutes, a young lady returned my card along with a receipt. She said, "your order will be ready shortly." I noticed the receipt showed a $5 charge for sausages. They forgot the eggs. I had waited so long that I decided not to disrupt the ongoing process. My objective became, eat the sausages and get out there on the mountain."

I waited another ten minutes, and the sausages never came. Only three of the tables in the thirty-table dining area were occupied. I gave up... donned my parka and helmet, walked out of the restaurant, and joined the skiers waiting for Carpenter lift to start.

Mellower in my old age, I didn't want to make a big deal of the poor service... I just wanted to get to the lift on time. I assume the five-dollar charge will appear on my card. Its not worth the effort to get the charge erased if it is.

OK. So my botched breakfast order might have been a one off. But, I've decided that my bigger concern should be with the process... ordering on the phone, paying on the phone, and waiting for the meal to appear. All of this happens without interaction I once enjoyed with restaurant employees. I'm sure the restaurant doesn't care about people who believe as I do. I'm an old geezer who, likely, in management's eyes, has trouble with tech. Meanwhile, in future, I'll look for dining experiences where there is a server and other employees to talk to. I'm sure Snow Park Lodge won't miss me.

This piece is not a dis on Deer Valley. They have done a great job this year of mountain management. But, it is a diss on the tech oriented breakfast ordering process at Snow Park Lodge. I have other breakfast options.

Above: Summit Utah County Republican Party Caucus. Ekerd Hill School, Park City, UT. 08 March 2022.Bishop elected delegate to State Pub Convention. 23 April 2022. One small grass roots step by Bishop to prevent Uniparty RINOs from infecting Utah's slate of Conservative Pub candidates. Utah is known as a reliably Republican state, but some of the state's elected officials act in ways to thwart a free market, individual freedom agenda. Junior Utah Senator, Pierre Delecto, voted to impeach President Trump, the president, more successful than any other president in modern times, to advance conservative principles. Delecto basked in gooey religious sanctimony to justify his anti-conservative stance. Governor Cox has promised to veto legislation that enables school choice for Utah parents and legislation that affirms gender fluidity in Utah school sports competition. These latter are Uniparty principles not conservative principles. Blake Moore, Utah District One congressman, held a fund raiser for Wyoming Republican Congresswoman, Liz Cheney. For her progressive thinking, Cheney was ousted from the Republican Leadership group in the US Congress. Per the above, there is a strong need for conservative representation at the Utah State Republican Convention.

Above: Ski Locker. Deer Valley, UT. 09 March 2022.
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Skied today in nearly a foot of overnight, wispy, Utah powder. I wore myself out skiing only ten runs. I skied Peeler three laps.

Two interesting lift companions: 1. Homestake Lift. Well known forty year Park City resident Tim Lapage. Tim, a native of Kenya, organizes safari trips to Africa. 2. Red Cloud Lift. No name, renewable energy company Boston based CEO. Knows our neighbor Ellen. Spoke highly of Ellen's recently deceased Dad. CEO has solar installations in Beaver and Millard Counties.


50 16 625
Deer Valley, UT