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Picto Diary - 01 to 11 June 2021 - Fieldcraft Gun Fight Training

Above: LSDM Walkers at Park City Mountain. Park City, UT. 01 June 2021

Over the years we've placed bets on the day when all the snow will have melted at Park City Mountain. The Fourth of July is always a good median date. These snow berms are the residual of the man made half pipe construction.

Above: Reflection. Park City, UT. 02 June 2021.

Mwah (sic) in Sprinter driver's seat as reflected in garage door window.

Above: LSDM Walkers. Shorty's Stairs. Park City, UT. 03 June 2021.

Above: Bishop 'n Monk. El Mexicana, Salina, UT. 03 June 2021.

Out and about on the LT.

Catching up with the Monk.

Always much to talk about... reminiscences. Monk... dedicated rancher, toiling through his retirement on the land. Were it me, I'd take a break. Yet, closeness to the land correlates with joy in Monk's heart.

Monk and Flute have succeeded at life's most important task... raising a fine family and preparing kids, and now grandkids to meet, firmly footed all, the future.

Monk is loved and respected by many, including the several one hundred LDS missionaries over which he presided as president of the Milan Mission of the LDS Church back in the 70's. Most of them are joining Monk and Flute for a reunion this summer at the ranch.

Julliard trained Flute still teaching lessons to pilgrim students seeking her out from great distances.

Note: After a late lunch with The Monk, I rode on, non stop to Ivins (200 miles) in 95 degree temps. I joined TIMDT at WAR for dinner. Next day, 04 June, I left the LT in Ivins and drove back to Park City with TIMDT, who had been in Ivins for most of the previous week.

Above: Fieldcraft Gunfight training. Spanish Fork Canyon environs, UT. 05 June 2021.

Gun Fighter Pistol 1 Course is designed to teach you the fundamentals of gun fighting in defense of your life. An ounce of prevention (Sig P365) is worth a pound of cure. Alignment, grip, trigger, stance.

I greatly enjoyed this experience. Without me, the average age of participants was probably forty. All were far better prepared with gun basics than I was.

I and my two accompanying friends were assigned a coach to be with us at all times. Un holstering the gun, lock and loading, shooting, then deactivating the gun safely after firing is a process where I don't yet have muscle memory. Changing magazines while in motion was also something we worked on. Our coach frequently had to jump in when I did something wrong. This professional, hands on instruction was a boon to this experience. We expended a lot of ammo. The exercises incorporate rapid fire sequences. The purpose of this course was self defense against a threat. Emptying a magazine rapidly, under different stance conditions, and hitting a target sans sighting, was the essence of the course.

Above: Mynduveroan and Ballou. Midway, UT. 07 June 2021

English style riding... dressage, jumping etc. is a sport where a female can compete on equal footing with a male. No need for Tittle Nine. I believe the genders are best deployed to those activities where they have a genetic advantage. That, in my opinion, gives rise to a condition where the sexes are in equilibrium. The notion of creating "mini men" through Title Nine like protections is, to me, demeaning to women. By genetic design, the sexes, with significant genetically driven differences and proclivities, form a natural balance in the cosmos when members of each sex engage in activities that seek to optimize their respective genetic proclivities. Horses for courses. In sport, areas where women need not to be handicapped to be the overall best are equine, diving, dance, marksmanship, certain gymnastics regimens, among others.

Above: LSDM Walkers. Daly Canyon Hike. Park City, UT. 11 June 2021.

A real huff puff elevation change of about 250 feet in the space of a quarter mile at the top of Main Street, veering to the west of Daly Canyon.


What a lucky young lady when I was that age I had a beautiful Palomino myself I too was very fortunate 😎😻😻- enjoy your beautiful horse and be safe

Mr. Z3,
La Quinta, CA