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Picto Diary - 01 to 11 March 2018 - Irony

Above: Bishop. Looking east north east from atop Sultan Lift. Deer Valley. 07 March 2018. Image by Rudy, Jr.
Through 11 March I have skied 22 outings since getting back to skiing on 08 February.

This season, I don't feel as obsessed as I have about about skiing daily. Through the 11th of March, having started skiing the 8th of February, I'm averaging about five days a week. Gives two days to get stuff done.

I'm feeling like I'm back to normal in conditioning and ability. So far the repaired right leg seems to be operating at 100% (knock on wood).

Above: Grr. and Mynduveroan. Deer Valley. 10 March 2018.
The real joy of skiing these days is watching the progress of the youngsters.

I skied with both these kids today.

I had Mynduveroan alone for about four runs. My instruction from her mother was to find her friend, H.

Mynduveroan now out skis me... but, to her credit she would stop on the run at various intervals to make sure I was still coming. We were having a good time... but, her attitude was pretty matter of fact. It was clear that she would prefer being with her friend, H.

While riding up the Silver Strike lift, near the top, we hear someone from below calling out Mynduveroan's name. It was H, standing with some other girls below. Mynduveroan's face lights up in an enthusiastic smile. I like to think she was thinking.... "Grandpa... fun skiing with you... but, now I need to ski with my friends."

What she really did say, though, was: "Grandpa, do you have five bucks so I can buy some gummy bears at Cushings Cabin?"

Later in the ski day, after having reunited with FeeBee and joining with Rudy Jr., and Grrr, I saw Mynduveroan and her four 9 year old friends having a great time skiing together.

Grr chased Mynduveroan down Ontario, negotiating bumps and side cuts just like his more experienced "cousine,." Mynduveroan was impressed. She left her friends to come join Grrr for this image, taken by her mother.

Like I say, watching these kids ski ably and competently is one of the great joys of this stage of my life.

Reason TIMDT not there (she would have been) cited below.

Above: Mt. Timpanogas as seen from the access road to Heber Valley Hospital. 06 March 2018.

On Saturday, 03 March 2018, TIMDT took a tumble getting off at the summit of the Wasatch Lift at Deer Valley.

Her legs spread eagled as she lay supine at the lift get off. The skis did not detach and she cried out in pain.

Ski patrol moved quickly and she was sledded down to the pre-diagnosis area at Silver Lake.

I picked up the F350 at Snow Park, drove to Silver lake, picked up TIMDT, with the assistance of the ski patrol, loaded her into the truck and drove to emergency at Park City hospital.

X-ray showed no broken bones. ER doctor hypothesized MCL injury.

TIMDT saw Dr. Davis of the Rosenberg, Cooley, Metcalf Orthopedic clinic today (06 March) at Heber Valley Hospital. Dr. Davis also speculated MCL injury... but, noted that diagnosis could not be confirmed sans MRI. MRI was not obtained until 09 March 2018... the delay arising due to need to get pre-approval from Medicare.

We learn today, 12 March, that injury a ruptured ACL. TIMDT has an appointment with surgeon Lind on 15 March 2018. Surgery, likely, to be scheduled.

Irony. If it rains... it pours. If its not one leg... its another. Caregiver roles now reversed.

TIMDT is not in pain. She uses crutches. She can put 30% weight on leg sans experiencing pain. To be sure, she is in an apprehensive mood not having yet heard the full skinny from the surgeon.


Great shot.
Zib, NY, NY

Best news! Glad you've found out how to listen to your leg.

Hatch, UT


Great news about your progress, and am looking forward to schussing down the DV runs with you and Margaret later this month. Not sure about the Trump run, though;-).

Washington, DC


With me, yes. But not with TIMDT. I'll be skiing. Don't let TIMDT's incident cause you to change your plans. You will help greatly in cheering her up.



You do live dangerously
But as they say...if not Now, When??!
Have fun the rest of the season.


Mumbai, India


Congratulations! Sounds almost unbelievable! Take care!

Park City, UT


Dear Steve,

The recovery continues. Good news.

Keep it up.


Larkspur, CA


Back on the slopes. Good for you!

Palm Beach, FL


It is wonderful to receive this Picto Diary and see that you are back on the mountain. I am glad that you are listening to Margaret and some of the rest of us and skiing at Deer Valley. The downside is that you will often have to have lunch at Deer Valley such as the St. Regis.

Deer Valley has a limit on the daily skiers and prohibits snow boarders both of which enhances the experience there.

Last year my son came off the slopes in Vail with a unique view. The question is " What is the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a snowboard?" The answer is "Where you attach the dirt bag."

While you may not get to a million feet this year, it is great to see back on the slopes.

All the Best.

The Pope,
Naples, FL

Happy to hear about your progress.
I know only too well how tough it is to come back after major surgery so wish you continued well and good recovery. Howard Wallack and I and a number of friend have just wrapped up a week in Val d’Isere where they have record snow (since 1984).
All the best.

Val d'Isere, France

Good luck with it!

Jack Aroon,
Mahwah, NJ

One good turn deserves another

Palm Beach, FL