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Picto Diary - 01 to 13 January 2022 - Ski Las Vegas

Above: Mynduveroan (right), her friend I, and Freddie. Ivins, UT. 01 December 2021.

Girls and dog.

Image by TIMDT

Above: The Tokyo Mob. 25 December 2021. Tokyo, Japan.

All grown up. Still remember circa 2000 Megumi (then about 7, in image in black at left) getting lost on the PCMR ski hill and finding her way back on her own.

Have to use my imagination to visualize, crusty photographer, patriarch Malcolm.

Above: Ivins Home. Ivins, UT. 02 January 2022

TIMDT making great progress on this project.

Above: Dale Boots. Deer Valley, UT. 03 January 2022.

11 10 90. 01 Jan 2022
12 10 100. PGA, John, Ernie, and Biscuit. 03 Jan 2022

What's wrong with this image?

Only two buckles on left (image) boot. One fell off the last time I skied. I took them to Dale Boot in SLC today to have repair made. Also, added new heels and had some rivets replaced. I asked the guy if his records showed the date of purchase of these boots. 2006, he said. So, fifteen years at, say 100 uses a year, that's 1500 times I've skied with these boots. Dale Boots ought to use me for a promotional video.

Above: Amaryllis. At home. Park City, UT. 03 January 2022.

Above: Ski locker rear. Dear Valley. 04 December 2022
13 10 110
Bishop's ski locker.

Rode up the Wasatch with D. I asked her if she was working at Deer Valley this year and she said she started to, but they let her go. She said DV didn't like the fact that she wore her mask improperly ie. hanging off of her chin. D said she doesn't believe in masks. They are irritating to wear and, she believes, do more harm than good. I'm in general agreement with this position, by the way. Over the last two years I haven't worn masks, but for the occasional requirement to enter a restaurant, or to take the one airline trip I've been on in the last two years.

Masks are one of Fauci's several anti-science "remedies" for the corona virus pandemic that have caused damage far in excess of disease consequences. Here's Fauci's anti-science list of faux pas:

1. Masks
2. Lockdowns
3. Blocking early treatment, repurposed medication.
4. School closures
5. Fed vax mandates

On a later chair discussed with PGA, John, and Biscuit, why there was a labor shortage. Biscuit owns a fifty-restaurant chain in the Carolinas. He reports, like everyone else, a difficulty getting workers. We agreed that there are a lot of people out there living off the fat of the land who don't want to work. They got used to not working due 2020 coronavirus shutdowns and are living off the residual of government dole or family resources. Also, coronavirus rules block many people from working, either because they don't want to comply with, employer masking requirements like D, or because they won't comply with employer/government vaccine mandates. Mandatory quarantining for coronavirus is also an impediment to stronger employment numbers.

PM: Correspondence, reading, chauffeuring Drums from tutor to orthodontist and back to high school, dinner with PGA and friends at 501 Main. TIMDT is in Ivins. She reports progress with furniture deliveries, hiring service when we're away from there, arranging dog hotel, and scheduling handy man. She loves walking Freddie on the dry flats in the bright sunlight while I'm shivering here in the cold!

Above: Ski Locker. Front View. Deer Valley, UT. 05 January 2022.
13 07 117
Light snow, foggy windy. Challenging skiing. Three inches new.

Above: Moose. Iron Canyon. Park City, UT. 05 January 2022.

Just another afternoon at my home office.

Above: Grab and Go concession. Deer Valley, UT. 07 January 2022
15 13 141
Image shows either an erosion, or is it an evolution (?), of the vaunted Deer Valley upscale ethic? Methinks that, looking at this Grab and Go service, Deer Valley founder, Edgar Stern, is rolling over in his grave. Celebrated for its legendary near fine dining, ski in, buffet restaurants, Deer Vally now provides a less expensive, pedestrian, brown bag option for lunch outdoors. This feature is carried over from last year when it was implemented as a substitute for indoor dining for those living in fear of coronavirus. It seems to be popular this year as well.

And I'm thinking that Grab and Go is not just a coronavirus play. Alterra's implementation of the IKON pass has brought a cohort of skiers to Deer Valley who are drawn by the resort's top-notch reputation, but who may be less comfortable with the high prices of the resort's amenities. Grab and Go seems to satisfy some of the demand for those who don't want to pay high prices. I'm not suggesting that this is a bad thing. The financial challenges of Alterra, the new Deer Valley owner (now three years of ownership) are different than those faced by Stern. With a likely big debt load, something that Stern didn't have to deal with, no doubt Alterra is looking for new revenue sources from a broadened customer base, while carefully watching costs at the same time. So, evolution of the brand and not necessarily erosion?

Talking to a lift mate today about the Carpenter Lift having to be offloaded on New Year's Eve, I heard something, second hand, reportedly relayed by someone in Deer Valley authority who should have known better. That is, many of Deer Valley's lifts are operating beyond their depreciated useful life. It is true that we haven't seen much in the way of lift capex at Deer Valley for years other than the upgraded Homestake lift three years ago. I remember with horror the period fifteen years ago, when all of Park City's six pack lifts went kaput over one season. Park City ski patrollers that year became the best in the nation at roping down skiers off of stalled ski lifts. I hope Deer Valley is keeping its lifts at the same level of its sterling reputation for food, amenities and customer service!

Operationally, ski conditions to date at Deer Valley seem pretty good, though not as much terrain is open this year compared to the same time last year...despite the fact that last year had less snowfall ytd than is the case this season. Is Deer Valley facing some of the same labor shortage issues affecting businesses generally today?

Just sayin'. I'm having a lot of fun skiing Deer Valley this season. There is enough of the acclaimed Deer Valley grooming to keep me happy; non holiday lift lines are manageable. The employees with whom I interact... lifties, ski locker, maze control, are doing a great job in making the Deer Valley experience a good one.

Above: Sprinter Vans. Deer Valley, UT. 08 January 2021
16 13 154
Mine, a Freightliner branded Sprinter is on the right. All Sprinters are manufactured by Mercedes in Stuttgart. Some are sold to Freightliner which sells Sprinters with Freightliner branding. It's a brilliant strategy. Mercedes has appeal to the elites and Freightliner draws loyalty from the deplorables. The Sprinter has many uses... from Class B RV's as are these two pictured vans, to limos, to utility vans. Naturally, I felt more comfortable with the Freightliner branding.

Above: Me and my shadow. Deer Valley, UT. 09 September 2022
17 13 167
Crown Point Lift. The angle of the image to the sun is 0 degrees. Note the cable bisecting the helmet and the tips of the skis.

Above: Bishop at Lee Canyon. Las Vegas, Nevada, 10 January 2022.
18 04 171
Gstaad, St. Moritz, Aspen, Bariloche, and now, finally, Las Vegas! One more world class ski destination added to my quiver!

Above: Deer Valley World Cup Aerials Course. 12 January 2022.
19 16 187 PGA
New runs skied today: Stein's Way, Wizard, Peeler, Supreme.

Above: Deer Valley World Cup Moguls Course. 13 January 2022
20 14 201 PGA

Pushed it up a notch the last two days skiing more bald mountain runs. A little peer pressure from PGA helped out.