Picto Diary - 02, 03 August 2016 - Arkansas
Above: Lisa, Grant, TIMDT, Sydney, and Susan. 02 August 2016.
Lisa and Susan TIMDT nieces. Grant and Sydney Susan's kids.
Stephen D. Taylor checked in to Portia, Arkansas.
Pearl: Want a milk shake?
TIMDT: Can we afford it?
Portia Picnic
Above: Marshall, Conner, Grandma (90th in a week), Saya, TIMDT, Linda, Brody, Emily, Jesse, Jason, Ben, Bishop. Dons Steakhouse, Pocahantas, AR. 03 August 2016.
Hush puppies. Catfish. Dr. Pepper. Yum.
Scions of TIMDT brother Marshall and wife Linda...down to Lawrence County Arkansas from Joplin, MO to reunite with Grandma (90th next week) and sis/Aunt TIMDT.
Impressive group. Older kids all going back/went back for degrees to advance stations in life. Deeply embedded character in this whole group...easy to see the connection to TIMDT. Not to mention he fact that Jason and wife Jesse (TIMDT niece) tool around together on a '97 Honda Valkarie.