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Picto Diary - 03 June 2017 - Oh my, Omak

I took a four mile walk through Omak, WA, before starting out for Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. Two or three passers by were wearing, "Make America Great" caps.

Above: Oat meal. Magoo's. Omak, WA. 03 June 2017.

Eatin' good in deplorables' neighborhood.

Above: At Magoo's. Omak, WA. 03 June 2017.

Bishop's morning montage. Small town breakfast experience.

Above: Bishop at Okanogan River. Omak, WA. 03 June 2013.

Hyper swollen river just short of flood. Beaucoup snow this year in US and Canadian Rockies.

Above: Building in Omak, WA. 03 June 2017.

"It's All Right Here!"

It is?

Entire town looks like it needs a new roof!

Working people here were left behind as the bi coastal, investor elite rode their central bank fueled stock bubble to Potemkin prosperity.

This is Trump's political genius. He looked back at those who struggled where the self centered and greedy elites looked only "forward," scorning or ignoring those left behind.

The bitter clingers and the deplorables were down... but, not out.

Revenge is its own reward?

Above: Route 3. BC. 03 June 2017.

Looking west direction Vancouver. BMW R800GS motorcycle.

Above: Nandi's Restaurant. Kamloops, BC. 03 June 2017.

Wonderful view of the Thompson River valley.

Beef samosas.
Muttar Panneer curry.



My daughter Dana, whom you know, wishes she could have organized a behind the scenes tour for you at the dam as that is one that is in her domain. She is still an engineering manager with Army Corps of Engineers, with particular responsibility for several dams and navigable waterways in WA and a little beyond.

Do keep in mind that you know a dam(n) engineer if you have another similar opportunity. She has arranged for me to be led into the very bowels of some locks and dams out there and it's quite a treat. More than a little frightening to see how very old the infrastructure is.

Scranton, PA

Next time. Woulda been great to have a tour this time through. Magnificent dam is Chief Joseph.

Thanks Steve. I'm glad I want be around to make preparations to leave!

Mumbai, India

Move quickly!

Great shots Steve !

Ventura, CA

Considering the source of this compliment, I'm honored.

Hi Steve

Interesting blog.

Whenever you plan a trip to India, I would recommend you coincide with a cattle fair. The one in Nagaur in Rajasthan about 3 hours drive from Jodhpur would be a good experience. These fairs have been happening for centuries and people bring their bulls, cows, camels, horses to trade. In some cases the old system of barter is also taking place. One of our guides from Rajasthan is very well versed with aspects of the domestic cattle trading as well as irrigation systems, agriculture and crops that are grown in this dry and desert region of Western India. It would be very interesting for you.





To return to an earlier e-mail, did you ask the “sprinkler man” in Washington State why people get involved in agriculture (from the farm to the restaurant/grocery store) when the work is at the mercy of the weather, the labor is backbreaking and the financial rewards aren’t that high?

I’m curious,

Ahnrhee, Larkspur, CA

No. but, this guy is third generation there. Between outright farming, Irrigation systems design and sales, and ownership in various processing businesses ie. alfalfa seed, he does well enough to own a plane... has time enough to go on motorcycle adventure rides... and contributes with his wife to have an outstanding family.



Looks like your trip is quite amazing, so is this video. Wonder who funded such an incredible study?

What Happens When Two Monkeys are Paid Unequally for the Same Work?  

PGA, Greensboro, NC