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Picto Diary - 04, 05, 06 February 2019 - TIMDT in Myanmar

04 February 2019 - Stayed home all day to "get some work done."

Above: Bishop. Cushing's Cabin. 05 February 2019.

(32). Good lesson from 'Bird pre ski at Snow Park on how best to turn in crud or heavy, wet powder.

Image: Mwah (sic) at Cushings with ice insulation on beard. That's what beards are for, after all.

Snowing all AM. Worst white out blizzard I've experienced in some time at Bald Summit. Took Homeward Bound out. I was alone. You had to know the route. Visibility was five feet.

Leaving Cushings at 11:00 AM there was a near white out. So...

Skied several Carpenter runs as they were lower and protected from the blizzard.

Spent a few minutes watching FIS Aerials World Championship trials. — at Deer Valley Resort.

Above: World Cup. Free Style Aerials venue. Deer Valley, UT 05 February 2019.

Image captured by Mwah (sic), standing on Navigator ski run.

Above: Orphanage. Mandalay, Myanmar. 05 February 2019.

Image by TIMDT.

Girls wear pink. Over 80 kids per classroom. Total 2000 students educated here in very crowded conditions. TIMDT — at Mandalay, Myanmar.

Above: U Bein Bridge. Mandalay, Myanmar. 05 February 2019.

Image by TIMDT

"Teak bridge. 1 and 1/2 km long. Built in 1400s. Originally. Not sure if it has been replaced partially. About 8 ft wide. No rails. Lots of tourists. Low water level." TIMDT — at U Bein Bridge.

Above: Iron Canyon Court cul de sac snow removal. 4:30 AM. 06 February 2019.

Snow keeps coming and coming. Settled base at local resorts is 70 inches. Total snowfall, now, probably in excess of 200 inches. "Normal" annual snowfall for Park City ski resorts is 350 inches. At the current pace of snowfall, we'll exceed by a lot, our annual average. The oft piste, hiking skiers are back to skiing Iron Mountain, just above our home. There hasn't been enough snow to do this for the last three or four years.

Above: (33) Image: Random family atop Lady Morgan lift. Deer Valley. 06 February 2019.

Not hookey. Schools closed on account of major storm. Methinks 50% of kids wouldn't have shown up anyway, as they would rush to the slopes to play the epic powder.

Epic day. 18 inches last 24. Even sun after 11:00 AM. For anyone who likes to ski, today is what I'm talkin' 'bout!

Snow Park pre ski: 'Bird taught me how to wave "hello" with up hill pole for powder turns. I was able to practice this simple maneuver and saw how it helped. — at Deer Valley Resort.

Above: Random Kid at Lady Morgan Lift summit. Deer Valley, UT. 06 February 2019.

Above: Montage Hotel. Custer Ski Run. Deer Valley, UT 06 February 2019.

Missing TIMDT. Ski AM, lunch out, shower, nap, read/write, scrounge for dinner is pretty much my solitary routine. I never have minded spending time alone, but, as I age, I'm aware of TIMDT's absence on her girls' trips more than I used to.

Both TIMDT and Mwah (sic) are pretty happy with our travel protocol. About half the trips we're together and half we're separate... she mostly girls' trips to foreign lands and Mwah (sic) usually having something to do with a motorcycle jaunt, foreign and/or domestic.

After eating, I'll watch a movie or stream a series. I'm currently watching "Game of Thrones" Season 1 for second time.

Above: Deer Valley. Snow Park base area. 06 February 2019.

Arrived at 8:15 AM and still could only make Lot 3. Epic ski day. — at Snow Park Lodge.

Above: TIMDT at Kuthodaw Pagoda. Mandalay, Myanmar. 06 February 2019.


Great photo of Margaret!

Dragon Lady,
Hilton Head, SC

Sounds like a great read - just ordered a copy. Thanks!

Air Stream,
Santa Barbara, CA

On October 1946 General Kearney diappatched LT. COL. Philip St. George Cooke to command the Mormon Battalion, march them to California and build a wagon road along the way. The Battalion captured Tucson on December 16, 1846. The Battalion then traveled 1,100 miles across some of the continent's most difficult terrain. .In New Mexico Baptiste Charbonneau, son of Sacagawea. became a Battalion guide. As an infant he'd accompanied his mother on the Lewis and Clark expedition. Baptiste was a native American French Canadian explorer and later mayor of Mission San Luis Rey de Francia, a gold prospector and hotel owner in Northern California. Personal knowledge and Wiki.

Reston, VA