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Picto Diary - 04 May 2020 - Camille Saint-Saens

Above: Duc. Echo Canyon. 04 May 2020.

Summit County Orange
Out and about on the Duc.
Extreme Social Distancing
Extreme HK Social Distance Enforcement Training. — at Echo Canyon Utah.

Above: Duc. Icy Springs Road, Summit County, UT. 04 May 2020.

Summit County Orange
Out and About on the Duc.
Extreme Social Distancing
Emphasizing the "multi" in Multistrada — at Summit County.

Above: Tern (amidst gulls). Coalville, UT. 04 May 2020.

Summit County Orange
Out and about on the Duc.
Extreme social distancing from birds.

Above: American Coot. Coalville, UT. 04 May 2020.

Summit County Orange
Out and about on the Duc.
Extreme social distancing from birds.
Icy Springs Road — at Crooked Creek (Summit County, Utah).

Above: TV Screen. Saint-Saens Organ Symphony. 04 May 2020.

Listening to Saint-Saens tonight.


Camille Saint-Saens' magnificent Organ Symphony. Fourth movement, Allegro Maestoso: Volume at max. Greatroom shakes!

Much is made of the fact that classical music was inspired of religious aspirational impulse. I believe that to be true, for the most part. But, how to explain Camille Saint-Saens, who wrote some of the most inspirational music ever? Saint-Saens: An outspoken, self proclaimed atheist.
TIMDT and Mwah (sic) watched and listened to Joan Sutherland, as Delilah, in Saint-Saen's opera, "Samson and Delilah," sing the following aria in the Sydney Opera House in 1977. I was so smitten by the experience, I memorized the words, in French, over the next few weeks. I would, in retired years, sing the aria to the fast passing landscape while riding long, solitary stretches on the motorcycle. I listened to this aria, recorded by Sutherland, tonight:

Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix,
comme s'ouvrent les fleurs
aux baisers de l'aurore!
Mais, ô mon bienaimé,
pour mieux sécher mes pleurs,
que ta voix parle encore!
Dis-moi qu'à Dalila
tu reviens pour jamais.
Redis à ma tendresse
les serments d'autrefois,
ces serments que j'aimais!
|: Ah! réponds à ma tendresse!
Verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse! :|
Dalila! Dalila! Je t'aime!
Ainsi qu'on voit des blés
les épis onduler
sous la brise légère,
ainsi frémit mon cœur,
prêt à se consoler,
à ta voix qui m'est chère!
La flèche est moins rapide
à porter le trépas,
que ne l'est ton amante
à voler dans tes bras!
|: Ah! réponds à ma tendresse!
Verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse! :|
Dalila! Dalila! Je t'aime!


When are the “Make Park City Great Again” hats and T-shirts going on sale?

Ahn Rhree,
Larkspur, CA