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Picto Diary - 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 July 2021 -Joe and Jan, Park City Originals

Above: 2021 McLaren. LSDM Walkers. Wasatch Bagel. 06 July 2021.

The owner, whom I know, is a consummate car guy. He says this unit is the best performing car he has had.

I have two cars on order, one, a 2021 Jeep Rangler Rubicon 392 (for an Ivins based vechicle), delayed by chip shortages. The other is a 2022 Cadillac CT-5 Black Wing, to replace the now departed F350. Delays in receipt expected.

Covid shutdown supply chain delays are ubiquitous, not just in the auto industries. Notwithstanding having moved into our Ivins home (second home) in early March. Furniture, ordered by TIMDT in December 2020 is not expected to be delivered until 01 September.

Above: Park City Mountain Resort. LSDM Walkers 06 July 2021.

This snow bank is the residual of the man made half pipe. Still that it exists after the Fourth is quite something. TWO3 and Mwah (sic) were uncertain as to whether we had seen residual snow this late in the year before.

Above: Park City Mountain Resort. LSDM Walkers 06 July 2021.

Responsible Resort Area Development (RRAD) performs a good service by holding city Planning Commission and developers to account. Attended a RRAD presentation today at LSDM and I found some areas of disagreement with them. Here's one. RRAD noted that the proposed high rise buildings would obscure the view as seen in the image. You know... this really isn't much of a view as Wasatch views go. Build the higher buildings and let people be surprised at the views once they ascend the Crescent lift! RRAD points out lack of integration between transportation planning and increased visitors. On this, and other points, we should listen to them. Thanks to RRAD for entering the arena.

Above: Park Avenue, Park City, UT. 06 July 2021.

LSDM Walkers

At a time when Wasatch Back regional cooperation looms as more important than ever, we have moved to two transportation systems in town. One managed by the County and the other by the City. There may be good reasons to do this... but, the optics aren't great.
— in Park City, Utah.

Summit County, UT. 07 July 2021.

Out and about on the V4 (Duc).
Riding with the Caldwell Motorcycle Club. Danny, Seab and Scott. These men, and my son, Kessler, are all married to Caldwell sisters.
Bishop luuuuuvs these guys...all contributors...all great fathers and grandfathers....not to mention that they married well.
Also, who knew that they were all experienced motorcycle riders.

Above: Iron Canyon. Park City, UT. 08 July 2021.

Out and about on the V4 (Duc) rear.
Get all your Ducs in a row.

110 mile loop, Francis, Hanna, Strawberry, Heber, with Sgt. Preston.
Post ride swapping of motorcycle lies and the expatriate life with new riding friend. Sgt. Preston lived eighteen years in South Korea starting, and running Costco's business there. He left South Korea after building and managing sixteen stores. As another Duc Multistrada rider, he has his head screwed on correctly.

The V4 cooling fan didn't come on at 217 degrees when I arrived here at the garage (above). Its a worry. I may have it checked out. Looking forward to another ride with Sgt. Preston.

Above: Park City Cemetery. Park City, UT. 10 July 2021.

LSDM Walkers. Freddie, The Actuary, and TWO3.

Unique ore cart memorial is gravesite of renowned Park City miner, Richard Martinez, deceased in 2017. Rick Martinez... a Park City original.

Above: Turntable. Home. Park City, UT. 10 July 2021.
EAGLES. Luddite listening Tequila Sunrise on vinyl. Vinyl carves a deeper channel into the best grooves of a bygone era. Look. I'm not sure I can tell the difference. But, I get the atavistic, near analogue, distancing from the dreaded digital that seems to be consuming every aspect of life around us. It makes me feel better... it feels more authentic to put the record on the turn table. And, I'm listening to more music. Oh... and, did I mention? Bosch listens to vinyl.

It was good living at the apex... the real vinyl days of 70's and 80's, in any case.
— in  Park City, Utah.

Above: Kristen Chenoweth. Deer Valley. 11 July 2021.

TIMDT and Mwah (sic) joined Montage/Spago, 'Cake/Maui, and Aluminum/Contract Bridge for dinner and a concert.

We wouldn't be able to see these concerts without the assistance of Maui. She goes to a lot of work pre-concert season to get the tix for several Deer Valley concerts throughout the year. Thanks 'Cake and Maui! OK... we could go to the concerts... but, we probably wouldn't go through the arduous effort to get the tickets ourselves. And Maui always gets us such great seats!


Above: Angel House Inn (formerly). Park City, UT. Through 2009, Joe and Jan Rush, former owners of Angel House Inn, Park City, UT. Joe, from California, was also a contractor and worked on a number of Park City residential projects. Jan was the daughter of a naval officer, an Admiral assigned to the Seventh Fleet during the Vietnam War.

Circa 2009, Joe and Jan, non stop hard workers with an upbeat view on the world, sold the Angel House Inn for a very hefty profit and moved to California, with more than enough money to comfortably retire. All did not go as planned, as explained in Jan's Facebook post below. I've enjoyed staying in touch with Jan via Facebook. Five or six years ago while motorcycling in Southern California, I and other friends payed her a visit in Costa Mesa.

Jan and I had a telephone conversation last week. Jan's perennial upbeat spirit remains notwithstanding the incredible obstacles she and Joe have had to overcome. Jan was an ordained priestess in a New Age religion... in that capacity she performed marriages. I know her religious faith gave her peace of mind and continues to give her strength to meet the extraordinary challenges she and Joe have had to face over the last ten years. Jan now works as a full time care giver. Her daughter and son-in-law, who both work, live in her condo and help with rent and expenses. So, despite hardship, she is doggedly making her own way. Joe and Jan Rush... great people who fit well with Park City's unique culture and did a superior job to advance the unique Park City brand. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Joe at this time.

My husband, Joe, is getting much worse. He had a head injury in an accident in 2009. He started having trouble remembering what was going on around him. He got worse. He was only in his 67 years old and Alzheimer’s dementia set in. I took care of him for a while at home. Then he became very confused. He would take things apart in house, take his clothes outside, run away from home . The police would find him and bring him home. That happened several times. Finally the police social worker came to my house and told me he needed to be placed in a care facility that was locked. He was placed in 4 different facilities and was able to escape each center. In 1 center he climbed out his bedroom window and get over a cinder block wall. I wasn’t able to place Joe in a good center. We lost all of our money in a Ponzi scheme in 2009 and were left with nothing. For 2 years we didn’t have any money for rent and drifted from one friends house to another. Friends really got tried of us being in there extra bedroom so we were constantly looking for a place to stay. We always kept a low profile and didn’t get involved in our friends' lives. So we finally had money for rent and had no credit. We sold our belongings and was able to pay cash to rent a condo. Six months to rent was $16,000. Then Joe got Alzheimer’s dementia. No $ to place him so we got Medi-cal to cover the care. I think Joe is ready to leave. He’s skin and bone. Has been in and out ICU several times with sepsis, kidney failure, prostatectomy, torn bladder and more. He has had a miserable life and I think he’s at the end .Please send your prayers. Facebook post on 08 June 2021 by Jan Fisher Rush. Living currently in Laguna Beach, CA area.

Motorcycle Notes: Joe and Jan Rush.

Joe and Jan Rush. Good friends of TIMDT and Mwah (sic), who lived in Park City during the first decade of the twenty first century. We spent many delightful afternoons joining Joe and Jan on the front porch of their Angel House Inn... and rode many great motorcycle trips together around the West.

Great motorcycle rides where I was riding with Joe, a superior motorcycle rider, include:

Park City to Hyder, Alaska and return to Park City. We were riding in Alberta and hadn't planned to go to Hyder. We called Jan, who got us reservations at the Sealaska, Inn.

South on US 95 from Lewiston to Riggins Idaho. Down a three thousand foot elevation descent, Joe and Elk, each superior motorcycle riders, "lost me in the dust." They stopped to wait for me in Riggins.

Loop from Auburn, CA north to Alturas, CA and back to Auburn via Pyramid Lake. Joe and I were at the 49er BMW motorcycle rally in Auburn. Board just hanging out there, we decided to do this 400 mile long loop together.

South from Albuquerque, via Roswell, to El Paso. I remember the cheap Main Street stores in Roswell selling space related souvenirs. The ride down to El Paso was Into really bad headwinds.

One ride, with Jan and TIMDT, each riding pillion on our identical BMW K1200 LT motorcycles, to Leadville, CO and back to Park City. TIMDT wasn't happy with the Leadville motel we had reserved, which looked pretty grungy. Jan reached behind the potty in our room, swiped her finger on the floor, and it came back clean. Having run her own B and B, Jan knew how to tell what was clean and what was not. All was well with TIMDT and we spent the night there.