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Picto Diary - 05, 06, 07 March 2020 - When Tina Talks, People Listen

Above: Tina Cannon, Candidate (R) Utah District 1, US Congress, speaks to La Societe Deux Magots. Wasatch Bagel. 05 March 2020.

"When Tina talks, people listen." Bob Wheaton

Image hat tip: Peterbilt — at Wasatch Bagel Café.

Above: (61) Deer Valley Map. 06 March 2020

Post break skiing with FeeBee and FRB.

Above: Park City High School Jazz Band. Eccles Center. Park City, UT 06 March 2020.

Drums at kit.

Above: (62) The Actuary, 'Cake, Nemo, Sting. — at Deer Valley Resort. 07 March 2020.


"Fast times at Ridgemont High"

McKinney, TX

You on the ski slopes to relax and enjoy/please don’t let the old man in👻

Mr z3,
Oxnard, CA

Good point. My list of Eight Fun Things to do on the ski slope was a tongue in cheek mockery of American skier doofi. I should let it go and have fun.

Loved this post! The LEGO Taj Mahal is impressive. Finn’s band is just becoming quite the rage and I loved Margaret’s photo. Your eight fun things to do while skiing is spot on. Keep these coming.

Miami, FL

The eight fun things to do look more like an investment strategy for a person holding the mean IRA account than a skiing exercise Guaranteed to get one skewered by a ski pole accidentally or on purpose The equivalent of a one car accident with a bridge abutment.

Boston, MA