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Picto Diary - 06, 07,08, 09, 10 February 2021 - Snow Fall, Finally

50 06 615 (07)

Late PM.skiing. Arrived at 8:00 AM, observed zoo conditions (yes, even that early), turned around and returned home. I came back at 3:00 PM and was able to get six runs on Carpenter and Mountaineer. Glad to see the resort doing well, but, glad also that, as a local skier, I have options.

REFLECTIONS FROM THE LIFT: Voluble male, 35 something, ski instructor and Mwah (sic) on Carpenter at 4:05 PM wants to talk:. "The mask thing really bothers me. It's a joke. Overall US death rate unchanged over the last 12 months. Covid death rate for my age cohort is virtually nil. With unnecessary, draconian shutdown mandates from government, my generation has been f....ed over...lost jobs, lost income yada." "Yet," I replied, "your generation has done little or nothing to fight back against government abuses." "Your right," he agreed. "Americans are like sheep... submissive... passive," he said. "Well, today's Americans are fat and dumb," I said. "They really haven't been tested in the refiner's fire. So, they are easily led, susceptible to manipulation, and not hard to gull. There will probably be a reckoning, I added. Reality always bites sometime." "You're right," he replied. He added, "let the reckoning come sooner than later." We arrived at the top, bid one another a "have fun, good talking to you," and skied off our separate ways.

Above: Deck. Park City, UT. 06 February 2021
Go away for three days and look what happens. YTD lowest snowfall in 20 years trying to catch up with this one.
— at Iron Canyon.

Above: Last Chance ski run. Deer Valley, UT 07 February 2021
51 10 625 (7)

Last Chance. Me and my shadow. 4:20 PM.

PM sking poses new challenges. Started skiing at 2:45 PM. Many slick spots where it's hard to get an edge. Me looks for snow accumulations on slick runs to use for turns. So spooked by Mountaineer slicks was I that I turned right and skied down ungroomed, moguled (sic), black diamond Crescent. A steep run with snow, notwithstanding bumps, was better than a less steep groomed run that was skied off slick.

REFLECTIONS ON THE LIFT. After hearing me praise Deer Valley for handling this ski season well despite inordinate obstacles, woman of a certain age, seated with me on Carpenter chair, says, "my husband and I went to Royal Street yesterday, and weren't happy. We were inside and they left the door to the outside patio open. We were cold. We asked that the door be shut. The waitress said it couldn't be shut because the chef wanted it open. We're leaving Park City as second home owners."

The woman continued. "We've been here since 2006. We just closed on selling our condo. We have a house in Chicago and one in Florida (our primary residence to save paying Illinois taxes). Two houses is enough. Renting out the condo here in Park City was too much trouble. Time to move on."

Now, that was a spin on Park City living that I hadn't heard before! This couple wants out when everyone else seems to want in.
— at Deer Valley Resort .

Above: Crown Point Lift. Deer Valley, 08 February 2021

52 19 644 (7)

Pre break joined Guzzi.
Post break joined Mark.

Bishop loves it when superior skiers deign to let him tag along!

Guzzi informs of his lunch with owner of Eagle Point.

Mark recommends a new ski for me: Stockli SC

Image: Crown Point Negative

REFLECTIONS FROM THE LIFT: Ski day as a hiring test

Do not hire if:

1. He/she doesn't wear a helmet.

2. He/she wears a mask while driving, alone in the car, to the resort.

3. He/she, while entering the lift from the singles line, insists on going alone on the quad chair.

4. He/she, when stopped on a ski run, does not look uphill before resuming skiing.

5. He/she leaves skis on ground, not on the rack, when visiting a lodge.

6. He/she yells "on your left" as he/she barrels past you, on the left, on a ski run.

Silver Link
Steins Way
Silver Buck
Hidden Treasure
Crown Point Link
Gnats Eye/Deer Hollow
Little Stick

Image: Sprinters. Lot One. Deer Valley. 09 February 2021.

53 17 661 (7)

Silver Link
Silver Buck
Lost Boulder
Hidden Treasure
Crown Point Link
Gnats Eye
Little Kate

Joined Daggett and Cake

Above: Lots 1-5. Snow Park. Deer Valley. 10 February 2021.
54 08 669

Image looks east at Snow Park Lodge, parking, and beyond.

Bishop last rider of the day up Carpenter.
— at Deer Valley Resort.