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Picto Diary - 07 October 2017 - Lloyd

Above: Bishop pulls mall duty. Fashion Place Mall, Murray, UT. 07 October 2017.
Sips "ok" coffee in Nordstrom's E-bar.

TIMDT promised to return in 90 minutes.

Bishop, now at 75% weight bearing on "broken tibia plateau" right leg, only one day away from 100%. Off walker. On crutches, more as a walking aide and back up, than a prerequisite. Crutches discernable in image. Hinge brace only required, as an abundance of caution, for another week. Standing sans aid in shower; negotiates home elevator sans assistance (how prescient was TIMDT to insist on an elevator in the house?!).

100% weight bearing doesn't mean full recovery. Leg hasn't been used for two months. Will take time and continuing PT work to attain full recovery. Not now obsessed with return to skiing. Concentrating on full recovery. I have projects and books to read to fill in the time. Notwithstanding, getting back on the mountain this year seems like less of an impossible objective now than it seemed two months ago.

Importantly, TIMDT enjoying freedom accorded to her by Bishop's near, day to day, self sufficiency.

Hindsight. Though I was trepidatious at the outset, 20 day Panama Canal cruise a good move. Time passed quickly... not necessarily a good thing at my age, but more so because of the otherwise boredom of recovery.

Also, despite TIMDT's having to push me around on the ship, the offset was time spent with good friends, daily fine dining meals, a suite made up two times a day, ice for leg brought on demand, and a new scene out the window every day.

The Panama Canal passage itself was terrific. A true bucket list item ticked. 2nd, was the magnificent entry into New York harbor. Missed, 19 days prior, the Golden Gate, enshrouded by fog. Cartagena didn't wow, but was a nice off the ship break.

Above: Lloyd. Fashion Place Mall. Murray, UT 07 October 2017.

Noting a fellow disabled geezer, mall rat, deplorable, (Mwah (sic), Lloyd stopped to jabber.

"You need one of these walkers like I have. I've traveled to France with this walker. It's small wheels make it easy getting over the cobblestones. Look! It has a cup holder!"

"My ass is gone. Too many years of sitting on my wallet, left side and keys, right side. Screwed up my sciatic nerves. Made me arthritic . My advice: Don't sit on your wallet.

"Could you imagine as a youngster your coming into a mall as an old guy dressed as you are today? Shorts? Sandles? It's OK though. We old guys have the right priorities. Comfort first."

Lloyd: "I'm originally from Nebraska."

Mwah (sic): "You a 'Husker?"

Lloyd: "In my day we called 'em Bug Eaters."


Went fishing yesterday and caught sea bass, black fish (tautog) and this trigger fish. Trigger fish are usually found in southern waters but sometimes they ride the warm waters of the Gulf Stream up north and are caught in the ocean off Long Island by lucky fishermen. They are very very delicious eating fish. This beauty was caught not too far from Chris' Long Beach home at the Hempstead Reef which is about 5 miles off shore.

Massapeaqua, NY

Love it! [golden bolt]

Park City, UT

If those kids weren’t so darn cute, they would be incredibly “scary” 🎃👻

Marina del Rey, CA

Thank you !

San Jose, CA