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Picto Diary - 09, 10, 11, 12 December 2020 - Royina Grewal

Above: 'Cake. Deer Valley, UT 09 December 2020

06 12 65 9

Newly open:



Above: Freddie. McLeod Creek Trail. Park City, UT 09 December 2020.

Daily 3 miler with Freddie.

Above: Royina Grewal. RIP. 09 December 2020

Wife of my first boss in professional life, Ajit Grewal. Citibank branch, 1972, Parliament Street, New Delhi.

Above: Little Stick. Deer Valley, UT. 10 December 2020.

07 13 78

Image looks east from near top of Carpenter lift.

First week completed.

Prodigious snow making affords a great AM's groomed skiing on 20 plus runs and four mountains.

Breakfast at Snow Park Lodge is better than ever (for me) with very attentive table service and few customers.

Ski garage at Snow Park also functioning well.

I haven't figured out how to do a mid AM coffee break/pit stop as lodges are closed to casual coffee traffic. There is an outdoors coffee service at Snow Park which I haven't tried yet.

Above: Snow Park. Deer Valley, UT. 11 December 2020
08 13. 91

Cold. Light snow throughout AM.

Truncated ski session twice:

1. TIMDT did not want Freddie sitting in F350 for three hours while I skied. Took dog home and returned to skiing.

2. TIMDT and Freddie trapped in "malfunctioning" home elevator. Following my telephone instructions, TIMDT got out.

Above: Mynduveroan and Grr. Deer Valley, UT. 12 December 2020.

08 14 105

2 inches fresh. Windy, cold, blustery until 11 AM when the sun popped out.

Joined with PGA, B1b, and 'Cake.

Kessler, Grrr and Roy were on the mountain but we didn't connect until lunch at home.

Image: Mynduveroan climbs into the F350 for a ride home. Grrr preens.

Above: Freddie. Midway, UT. 12 December 2020.

Above: Mynduveroan. Midway, UT. 12 December 2020.