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Picto Diary - 09, 10 October 2019 - Cold Ride

Above: Ducati instrumentation showing 32 degree F outdoor temperature. Park City, UT. 09 October 2019.

Out and about on the Duc. Sunshine and heated grips give the illusion of warmth.

Short rides, first to the dentist, then to see a friend recovering from surgery.

First time on the bike since return from Scotland.

Above: Driveway repair. Iron Canyon, Park City, UT. 10 October 2019.

Street erosion fix on our lower driveway.
Prompt Park City public works response.


Looks like a fun excursion - Did you get to hold the falcons ?

Mr. Z3,
Oxnard, CA

Comments on book review: "Wellington - The Iron Duke."

Dear Steve,

Great summary of the biography of Wellington. Have you Bernard Cornwell’s Richard Sharpe series - 20 books which follow Sharpe from private in the British army in India with Wellington in 1799 through all the battles in the Napoleonic Wars including Waterloo. Marvelous books. Perhaps the best historical novels in the last decades along with Patrick O’Brien’s Aubrey-Maturin 20 book series.


Boston, MA

Ordered first novel.

The answer to the question in your last sentence is a resounding NO!

Park Citi Pioneer,
Aspen, CO

You really need to start with "King and Emperor," the new book on Charles I to have a good grounding on Wellington, et al. My copy arrived earlier this week.

Boston, MA


God works in mysterious ways.

Los Angeles, CA


You’ve got to be kidding - comparing Trump to Wellington? Wellington, by your own words, had military and political experience and training; he was a brilliant military tactician and a diplomatic commander. He was a philanderer and a bit of a prima donna, but he admitted to some mistakes. Trump is a serial philanderer if not an actual sexual predator; he is a draft dodger; he has no experience in being any kind of a military commander or strategist (in fact he gets most of his ideas from Hannity and Tucker and he ignored all the experts’ advice on Syria and has gotten us into a tragic situation) and he NEVER apologizes. Trump is a known liar; has no respect for a free press; he doesn’t read books or even policy papers; he, to my mind, is nothing but a wrecking ball intent on ruining our reputation and influence in the world, denying science, fomenting hatred of immigrants, and being a total narcissist (which is incurable.) I could go on and on, but no one wants to listen to an 83 year old woman who is losing her short-term memory…:)! You were kidding, Steve, weren’t you?

Salt Lake City, UT