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Picto Diary - 09 March 2020 - INAZONE

Above: (64) Deer Valley Map 09 March 2020.


Pre break: Six nonstop "work out" laps on Bald steeps (Steins (2x), Tycoon, Edgar's Alley, Legal Tender, Birdseye, sans stopping. Concentrating on initiating turns with downhill toe, putting 70% weight on downhill ski, staying on balls of both feet throughout the turn, keeping poles in peripheral view throughout, and dragging downhill pole in the snow to maintain proper angulation. Hat tip: Mike Wilwert and Ed Martin.

Post break skiing with Chicago Boys, Nemo and Sting.

Runs and ski sections which formerly intimidated now come more easily. Example: After nonstop laps on Tycoon, Stein's Way, and Reward, Legal Tender, formerly intimidating, is not quite a cake walk, but, close.

I used to be nervous skiing the top of Hidden Treasure; Its steep and narrow without a lot of room to maneuver around slower skiers. I would be going too fast to react to a potential hazard. Now, I'm more comfortable with my ability to ski slowly, in control, with tight turns on that section.

Funny. I can remember when Silver Link made me hesitate. Now, heading for the Wasatch Lift 180-degree turn, if the run is clear, I can more or less straight line it.

Lost weight is paying great dividends in ski ability and enjoyment. Important to remember that improved ski ability not a license to violate rules. Always important to know ones limits and ski, in control, according to the rules.

(65) Looking east from Evergreen. Glorious. Crisp. Clean.
Silver Link
Stein's Way 2x
Evergreen 2x
Reward 2x
Post Break:
Magnet 5x
Hidden Treasure
Crown Point Access
Kimberly/Big Stick
Total Runs: 20
30-minute break
Start 9:00 AM
Finish 12:30 PM
Best day of pure skiing in memory

Above: (65) Evergreen 10 March 2020.


Above: Deer Valley Bishop's Office Social Distance