Picto Diary - 09 to 15 November 2024 - Fabulous Veterans Day Program at Carden School

Above: Blue Jay. Iron Canyon. 10 November 2024.
Rare outside my home office window.

Above: Carden Memorial School. Salt Lake City, UT. 11 November 2024.
Z reads 2nd place in school, award winning Veteran's Day essay.
My Voice in America’s Democracy, by Zach Taylor - Carden Memorial School Veterans Day Essay Contest, 2nd place.
I can use my voice in America’s democracy to convince others to honor our country. I can't do much, I can't vote or join the military but there are many people who can. It doesn't have to be big or dramatic, it can be done in simple ways. I’m too young to vote but I can still do research and have my own opinion. Maybe I could convince people to vote for who I want. Just by telling them my opinion, I can make a difference in America’s democracy. It might be hard to convince some people but at least they can see that I care. Sometimes it feels like you have no control in America’s democracy, but you do. The first line in the preamble to the constitution is, We the people of the United States of America. Every American citizen has a voice in Democracy. The only way your voice will be heard is if you speak. I understand that joining the military is hard and not everyone can do it. That is fine because we can still make a difference by supporting veterans and the military. Learning their stories is another way you can support veterans. My church group sometimes visits the local V.A. to play games and have devotionals with them. A few years ago, my family and I took cards and treats to veterans in our neighborhood to thank them for their service. I noticed that just telling them that you're grateful can make their day. Another way I can convince others to honor our country is teaching about our history. George Washington said, “To know our history is to know ourselves.” If we don't know how we achieved freedom, we don't know why we deserve freedom. At the school that I go to we focus a lot on American history. I like it because It helps me understand how America became such a great country. It helps me have a better understanding of our founding fathers and the sacrifices they made. In conclusion, I can contribute to America’s democracy by using my voice to convince others. Whether it is through understanding current politics, supporting our military and veterans, or learning and teaching about our country’s history. I’m proud to be able to have a voice even as an eighth grader from Salt Lake City. --Zach Taylor

Above: Carden Memorial School. Salt Lake City, UT. 11 November 2024.Day program.
Roy (center, front) joins poppy decked classmates in recitation of John McCrea's "In Flanders' Fields."
In Flanders Fields
By John McCrae
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Above: Mwah (sic). Park City, UT. 12 November 2024.
AM. Four layers Mohs surgery at Huntsman on basil cell cancer behind lower left eyelid. PM. Reconstructive surgery on eyelid at Moran. Long day. Patch for a week. Docs say condition rare in general population, but Huntsman sees circa 200 a year. Condition, docs say, often correlates with north European heritage and significant outdoors experience.

Above: LSDM Friday AM Colloquium. Wasatch Bagel, Park City, UT. 15 November 2024.
Topics du jour.
Roger. Not all votes yet counted for Summit County Commissioner. 1% gap with McKenna in the lead, 700 votes to count.
Bob Theobald. Property Case involving head of Park City Planning Commission Sarah Hall still alive.
Park City Main Street redo presentation yesterday to LSDM by Ryan Dickey was well received.
FBI raid on Polymarket head, Shayne Coplan.
Large-scale discussions of DJT cabinet recommendations.
SDT Presidential Endorsement of DJT | Stephen DeWitt Taylor
Seriously, Steve? Hitler?
I did not realize that you are such a bad winner. I have been called names before and was going to respond in kind, but words failed me. Why lower myself to this level of hatred?
You may not have many Democrat friends, and I should not take this personally, but it is definitely below the belt. Is this your idea of how we want to heal wounds and unify our country?
Your friend,
Arlington, VA
I write as a friend, a former colleague and a former Parkite.
I cannot begin to understand why you feel it either necessary or appropriate to use these generalities and this inflammatory language to describe a Democrat. I know you are happy with the election outcome - but really is this helpful when we are looking forward to four years of building a unified America rather than deepening the "us vs them" division?
If one is defined by political party affiliation - I am a Democrat. I voted for Kamala Harris. I consider myself a patriot not an "America hater". I served six years in the Army and four years working for the Government as a civilian, including two and a half years in Laos 1966-1968. I did not avoid the draft with a letter from a friendly Doctor saying I had bone spurs, or claim Conscious Objection or alternative service.
I am offended and appalled that you would write all that provocative, demagogic descriptive language, to describe me - a Democrat. Do you believe this describes the Tom Dunton you know? They are gross generalities you have applied to roughly half of the American population that if anything is not homogeneous. They are wrong and quite simply, unfair.
If you were leading a MAGA rally and seeking attention and a raucous response, I would understand. But not on this forum. Unless, of course, this is really what you truly believe. If you want your readers and friends to know and define you by these beliefs, then you have succeeded.
Aspen, CO
"America Is Getting WIPED OUT" - This Is What's Coming... | Robert Kiyosaki
I too voted for Kamala , proudly I might add. I don't think I fall into any category except proud female citizen who loves America just as much as you do. Stymied yes, but accepting of the majority, perhaps contrary to what your candidate would have done, had he not had the winds of change in his sails this year.
Hilton Head, SC
The One Video that Explains Why Harris Lost | The Free Press
Memo to DJT from SDT
Policy Recommendations:
Economy - tariffs, reduced rate of fed spend, fed cost cutting, corporate tax reductions, ride the AI wave.
Deterrence - Detente with Russia, security guarantee for truncated Ukraine, shift military spending away from big ticket programs to asymmetric warfare tools, sea lane protection... focus especially south China Sea,,, stand behind Israel: big stick cow Iran and proxies.
Border - Fence, Anduril toys, Immigration reform: nix anchor, lottery. Increase H-1B visa quota, repatriate illegal bad guys, biometric 3-year renewable, employer sponsored, guest worker permits for which non-criminal Biden illegals can qualify. No path to citizenship for any kind of illegal entry.
Culture - Eliminate all woke from Fed apparatus: DEI, critical race theory, and gender fluid references.
It is great to see your grandson entering a new phase of his life at North Texas University. Being part of 3 bands states that he is a great drummer. I have seen him play magnificently over the years. I hope he has a fun and a wonderful experience.
Shiprock is really impressive and reminds me of some of the ocean cliffs I have seen in Europe such as Ireland and Portugal.
All the Best.
The Pope,
Eufaula, AL
Wonderful update, great to hear about Phin!
And yes, hard to fathom that some folks would actually still vote for blue policies of overreach and destruction.
Drummer Jay,
Lehi, UT