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Picto Diary - 1 to 13 June 2018 - Ralph Gates

Services for Ralph Gates, Jr., Park City Community Church 02 June 2018

Vanderbilt, MIT, Manhattan project, family man, skier, singer, chronicler, name a few.

To the end, excited about life.

Smart. Curious. Ebuillent.

Transition per Pastor Hausman:

"I'm not afraid to die. I can hear the angels getting closer. I don't need a heavenly mansion...I just need a small room in God's house."

Service goers were asked to write a memory of Ralph.

Here's mine:
"At 91 years of age getting himself and his gear on a table top to film speaker sessions of the ROMEO group, La Societe Deux Magots (LSDM) at Wasatch Bagel." (See image above).

Above: Bucket Drummer. Park City Silly Market. 03 June 2018.

Above: Snow remains at Park City Mountain. Let's go skiing! 03 June 2018.

Above: New hoop. 04 June 2018.

Above: Bishop observes sculpture garden at Spring Salon, Springville Art Museum. 06 June 2018. Springville, Utah.

Spring Salon is best of Utah art during 2017.

Above: Bishop and TIMDT. May, 1969. Around the time of our marriage.

Above: TIMDT mentor Jackie and TIMDT, pregnant with FeeBee. Pittsburgh, PA. Summer, 2018.

Above: Back 40 Restaurant. Heber City, UT. 10 June 2018.

Found a new place to eat. Liked it.

Not fine dining. But, close with the right price, good entrees and a good view of the back forty before it abuts against the Wasatch back.

Above: Neff Canyon. Wasatch Range, Salt Lake City, UT. 12 June 2018.

Dropping off Bud and friend for summer camp hike.

Above: Our home TV Screen. Park City, UT. 13 June 2018.

TIMDT and Mwah (sic) hosted, for sixty insurgent guests (in the belly of the beast), Dr. Mike Kennedy, candidate for US Senate in Utah. Primary opponent is Mitt Romney.

Above: Dr. Mike Kennedy, candidate for US Senate, Utah, addresses guests at our home. 13 June 2018.

Above: Dr. Mike Kennedy, candidate (R) for US Senate, Utah, speaks to 60 guests in our home. 13 June 2018.


Dear Steve,

I am lucky to be part of your mailing list. What a fantastic review you have written. I am certainly ordering this book for my wife who studied Botany and Zoology. She would love reading it.

I hope life is good for you and that you have recovered from all the injuries.

Look forward to meeting you soon in India.

New Delhi, India


Glad to see you recommending this book [The Sixth Extinction]. We know Elizabeth well, as she teaches here at Williams. A very provocative, and somewhat frightening, book.

Williamstown, MA


All wonderful.

New York City, NY

Fwd: A Finn struggling with English..
From: James Davidson <[email protected]>
To: Taylor Steve <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, Jun 1, 2018 10:40 pm

2018-03-12-VIDEO-000...mp4 (9.5 MB)

Steve, coincidentally, following up on your recent “big ass” reference.

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 31, 2018 at 6:17:14 PM EDT
Subject: A Finn struggling with English..

Did you happen to leave Jurassic out as the next to the last name on your mnemonic as a quiz as to how closely your readers digest your stuff?

Park Avenue
New York, NY

You're good, Park Avenue. Very good.

Dear Bishop, [RE: The Sixth Extinction]

I am so interested to hear your comments on this. I read the book, "Thank You For Being Late," by Tom Friedman. That book has descriptions of climate change. It appears inevitable unless mankind changes its approach drastically and soon. And to use an overused term I think it is an existential threat for maankind as well as flora and fauna the world over. I am going to get the book. Also I am going to include the text of an e-mail I wrote proposing that climate change be a topic for a Project For Deeper Understanding program.

On June 11, 2018 at 12:08 PM Raymond Free SC wrote:

I know we are waiting until August 13th to decide on topics but I have one about which I am passionate. I e-mailed Father Charles about it around the end of May and the text of that e-mail is below.

I think climate change is a major issue facing us and all mankind. I view it in that overused term "Existential Threat." I could form a panel with virtual opening of the memory bank. 1) Chris Cherniak of the radio program "This Green Earth," 2) the meteorologist/hydrologist (I think his name is McInerny), 3) Brian Moench, the physician who heads Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment, 4) I know Katie Wright is passionate about the topic so either she could do it or one of her associates. 5) I would do it. It just is a topic where expertise can be easily obtained.

We should be alarming/alerting everyone who can make a difference. I think this eclipses every human rights issue and/or societal program out there. That includes abuse of women, mental health issues, Alzheimer Issues, Christian center issues. If the ship is not righted, everyone can be considered toast, pun deliberate. Burned to a crisp, you might say. You have heard of the term "Black Swan." The latest term to come into use is "Black Elephant." That is a Black Swan/unpredictable catastrophic event combined with an "Elephant in the Room" event. Everybody knows the elephant in the room is there but as we all know, we don't talk about the elephant in the room. Climate change is a "Black Elephant" event.

Before I became more educated I was a climate change denier. That stemmed from accepting climate change occurring but not thinking it was caused by mankind and our activities. There is little doubt in my mind that "we have met the enemy and it is us." That paraphrases Winnie the Pooh, I think. That tells you something about the level of my intellect.

Park City, UT

Refer to my diary some weeks ago written from John Day fossil beds National Monument near John Day, OR.  It more or less states my current POV on this.  Too long to append here.  Remind me if you want, and I'll send you a copy.