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Picto Diary - 10, 11 September 2018 - Thin Blue Line

Above: ROMEOs fixing cars. Wasatch Bagel. Park City, UT. 10 September. 2018.

Above: Wade Carpenter, Police Chief, Park City, Utah, speaks to La Societe Deux Magots (LSDM). 11 September 2018.

Also present: Phil Kirk, Captain PCPD and Trent Jarman, Lieutenant PCPD.

"In Utah its tougher to recruit new cops these days. The state legislature has hair cut cops' pension programs. Cops are under increasing scrutiny of late and many would-be officer candidates don't feel it's worth the effort or risk to do something they may otherwise like to do, particularly with reduced retirement benefits."

LSDM thanks Chief Carpenter and the PCPD for their outstanding contribution to our community. — at Wasatch Bagel Café.