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Picto Diary - 10 November 2019 - Bishop, CA to Park City, UT

Above: Duc and Bishop arrive home. Park City, UT 11 November 2019

Out and about on the Duc
Today, Bishop, CA to Park, City, UT. 570 miles. 2301 total trip miles.

Rendu at 6:45 PM. 30 minute delay in arriving home due clearing car accident US 189 at Deer Creek. Long backup. Bishop saves half hour by lane splitting for over a mile.

Ride title: Scrolling The Great Basin on US 6. — at Iron Canyon.


Your spot-on observations re: California how out-of-touch the politicos in Sacramento are. If they were all forced to take the same trip as you are doing, maybe they would see how destructive they have been- although I wouldn’t have too much hope.
California has become a third world entity- a few obscenely rich at the top of the food chain and the vast majority living hand-to-mouth. Ihope that you have enjoyed your passport-less trip to a third world country.


Ahn Rhee,
Larkspur, CA

Great commentary. The esteemed Victor Davis Hansen is one researcher I accept sans question.

Park City, UT


I hope you are having fun out there. For 4 years, I lived in the City of Belvedere at the end of the Tiburon peninsula in Marin County. I rented houses on the lagoon. It was an interesting place to live. I commuted to my office in San Francisco about 2 blocks from the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank on Market Street.

I remember my son coming home from school and informing me that he was a European American. I asked what did that mean. He said the teachers had probed everyone's background to determine from where their heritage came. Because both his parents families had ties to Europe generations before he was designated a European American. I told him that he was an American. He said the teachers had made it clear that he could not claim to be American. I made a few phone calls and then told my son that his father and a lawyer would be visiting the teacher and principal to discuss his designation later in the week. He asked if he could discuss it with his teacher the next day and I told him that he could have a discussion. The next evening when I arrived home he was ecstatic. He told me he talked to the teacher and that he was the only American at the school.

California has declined more since that time.

The Pope,
Naples, FL