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Picto Diary - 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 February 2021 - Annual FRB Visit

Above: Daggett, 'Cake and Bishop. Empire Lodge coffee break. Deer Valley, UT 11 February 2021

55 17 686 (07)

Above: Tag in Lot One. Snow Park Lodge. Deer Valley, UT. 11 February 2021.

Fine. You are welcome here. Just don't Californicate my Utah!

56 05 691 (07)
Deer Valley, UT. 12 February 2021

Above: Freddie. Iron Canyon. Park City, UT. 13 February 2021.

Above: Montage Hotel from Empire Lodge across Webster ski run. Deer Valley, UT. `14 February 2021.

57 10 701 (7)

Above: Beheading of Johan Palmstruch. Diary entry 15 February 2021

58 15 716 (7)

Joined with Johan Palmstruch and Mrs. Driggs.

Image: Johan Palmstruch, Swedish Central Banker being put to death for printing too much money.

REFLECTIONS FROM THE LIFT. It's now too late. With $23 Trillion in public debt (100% of GDP) and a projected $3 Trillion deficit, US is on a crash course to financial oblivion. The question is when. Interest rates are low. The economy seems to have energy with some pent up demand...(to be continued)

Above: Johan Palmstruch, Daggett, Mrs. Driggs, and 'Cake pose. Deer Valley, UT. 16 February 2021.
59 11 727 (7)
Beaucoup fresh Utah Champagne Powder. Huff puff. In the exhilarating sense of that expression!

Above: Mrs. Driggs and Johan Palmstruch. Deer Valley, UT. 17 February 2021

60 21 748 (7)
Image: Mrs Driggs and Johan Palmstruch
Seen on the mountain: PGA, McGee, The Actuary and Uniform. 21 run day. Most of the year for Bishop, so far.

Silver Link
Silver Hill
Gnat's Eye
Silver Buck
Lost Boulder
Silver Buck
Star Gazer
Hidden Treasure
Crown Point Link
Little Stick


Above: Bishop's Stockli Laser skis chez PGA. Deer Valley, UT. 18 February 2021.

61 13 761 (7)

Spicy beef chili is abundant at 12:15 PM chez PGA.

PGA son McGee and his three duck hunting buddies, on being queried on this or that by the Bishop, show superior, southern, savoir faire as they look Bishop in the eye and call him "sir." If these boys are representative, there remains hope for Gen Z.

Skied with PGA. Impeccable, bluebird... fresh snow, cold. Oft spooky runs (Orion, Perseverance) were child's play. Conditions like this and I begin to believe I'm a good skier!

REFLECTIONS FROM THE LIFT. Empire. Phoenix guy flew to Arkansas where he picked up a Sprinter and drove it to Phoenix via two ski days in Aspen. I surprised him with my overlap story getting a new Sprinter and driving it to Arkansas to pick up a dog.

Above: Deer Valley, UT. Ski Map. Diary entry, 19 February 2021
62 12 773 (7)
AM Pre Break: WSL
AM Break: PGA, Daggett, 'Cake
AM post break: PGA
Impeccable snow conditions... just enough light. 2x Reward and 1x Magnet. The last three days snow conditions have been the best of the year.]

REFLECTIONS FROM THE LIFT: WSL succeeds in work by bringing together the left and the right to achieve a common aim beneficial to the community at large.

Can WSL's MO be a template for the US writ large?

Can strong emphasis on traditional families being best for raising children co-exist with respect for gay led families? Can people who revere the Second Amendment mix happily with people who actively pursue gun control? Can support for free speech be a value revered by all irrespective of political persuasion?

Is there a common American value (s) that binds Americans together despite a multiplicity of radically differing views about what America should be?

Silver Link
Big Stick
Silver Link
Star Gazer
Wasatch Link
Big Stick

Bishop garners critical ski tip from WSL. Lean into top of to be downhill boot as you are making the turn. Bishop, who had been concentrating on toe before that, tried the suggestion and found it helpful.