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Picto Diary - 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 October 2019 - ATM

Above: Bishop at Bloods Lake. 12 October 2019.

Out and about on the Duc.

Second time this week I did this hike. Two miles in, two miles out, 400 vertical feet. Moderate hike I'd say... for an old guy. Note the frozen lake... just a thin crust of ice... in the image.

Above: Little Cottonwood Canyon. 12 October 2019.

Out and about on the Duc.

Above. TIMDT Streetcar. Sugarhouse. Salt Lake City, UT. 13 October 2019.

I love this routine. Park at Barnes and Noble in Sugarhouse. Walk a half mile to the Fairmont streetcar station. Walk from Fremont, two and one half miles down the well done and well kept streetcar parkway to Central Pointe. Catch the streetcar back to Fairmont. Walk back to Barnes and Nobel. Browse books over coffee. Drive home.

The area down the parkway is gentrifying. Lots of new apartments, nice murals on walls, homes in various stages up upkeep... but, most working hard to keep things nice. The experience provides a good view into SLC's evolution. And, on this route, things seem to be going well.

Above: Z with mutated hand. Park City, UT. 13 October 2019.

Sad Poor kid... er… uh... umm... Halloween coming soon. Methinks hijinks afoot!

No entry: 14 October 2019

Above: Cash machine. Zions Bank, City Creek Center. Salt Lake City, UT. 15 October 2019.

Not so fast. Card came back along with receipt saying I had received the amount I had requested, not a small cash withdrawal. But, no money! The cash outlet was blocked and a red light was on near the outlet (see image). I was flummoxed. I'm holding a receipt saying I have the money. But, I don't have the money! Working my way by smartphone from Zions customer service to the office of the President, all I'd hear was "you have to go to your bank (my bank is not Zion's, I'm just using Zion's cash machine) and fill out an error report. The sending bank and Zions will work it out and if you should get your money."

At the time, this wasn't good enough for me. I surmised that if I followed their instruction, and left, the money could come out later, someone could grab it, and Zions would say, sorry... you were just scamming us. You took the money after all. Go pound sand!

We checked electronically my bank... the sending bank, and sure enough the money had been sent.

Seeing my frustration dealing with Zions people... most of whom were polite (one of them took my frustration for me being a jerk and told me so) TIMDT grabbed the phone and reached an amicable ending point with the Zions office of the president representative (not the one who effectively called me a jerk).

TIMDT said, look, Zions will know that you didn't get the money. They have cameras on the ATM. Also, she said, sometimes bad transactions like this sort themselves out automatically within 24 hours ie. the money you thought left your account and didn't get will be credited back to your account. I had to go along with TIMDT... after all, one of her principal purposes in life is to keep me from embarrassing myself.... and her! We'd just sort it out via the grievance process outlined by Zions and, incidentally, confirmed by my sending bank... TIMDT had called our sending bank as I was getting hot under the collar with Zions. Look. Zions headquarters was a block away. Couldn't they, I thought, just sent someone over to me to confirm my story?

Twenty four hours later the money was gone from our account... it had not been credited back. TIMDT said, "I'll take care of it." She called our account rep at our own bank who said these things happen all the time. My not insubstantial debit was immediately credited back to our account... on account of... I guess.... our long standing successful relationship with our bank. They said they'd send the forms to register the complaint in the mail, and that the two banks would sort it out. Problem solved. Bishop gets all hot under the collar for nothing. Who knows.... Zions or some wrong doer may end up with the money.... but, for my bank, the amount I 'withdrew' is not even a rounding error. They may or may not follow through to work it out with Zions. But, I guess, that's not our problem.