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Picto Diary - 11, 12 January 2023 - Traversing the Drake Passage

Above: Aboard L'Austral. Drake Passage. 11 January 2023

We are informed by the captain that Drake seas, with up to 8 feet swells are a benign "2" of "10" when it comes to potential Drake restiveness. Captain Marchesseau, who makes periodic announcements on sea conditions over the PA system, says this is good news. Still, this small boat rocks a bit. I have to grab the railings in the corridors to remain in balance.

Five hundred miles separate Ushuaia, at the tip of South America, with landfall in the South Shetland Islands, which are just north of the Antarctic Peninsula.

Above: After dinner entertainment in the aft 3rd Deck Lounge. L'Austral. 11 January 2023.

Five dancers and one female vocalist make up the entertainment. Music is canned, but the sound is robust. All off the entertainers are talented. The performance is well done... entertaining. The boat is rocking a bit. I take my hat off to them for staying upright.

Above: Nelson Island, South Shetland Islands. 12 January 2023.

Sighted mid-morning. There is something a bit moving about sighting land that few in the world will ever see (or have seen). The captain announces that after lunch we are going to do an unplanned shore expedition at Half Moon Bay on Livingstone Island, South Shetland Islands.

Above: L'Austral Expedition Staff. Half Moon Bay, Livingston Island. 12 January 2023.

Each shore expedition is prepped. The area is checked for safety, for wildlife within reach etc. Red flags are placed at intervals where expedition goers are expected to walk. Bi-lingual (French, English) yellow jacketed expedition staff will be standing at intervals along the pre-planned route.

Above: Espresso poses at Half Moon Bay, Livingstone Island. 12 January 2023.

L'Austral is in the background.

When we arrive in Antarctica proper, we will be walking mostly on snow. I'm guessing the expedition staff thought it would be a good idea to have the first excursion on real land as a preparation for the more difficult to navigate and oft slippery, at pitch, snow coming in later shore excursions.

Above: Chinstrap Penguin. Half Moon Bay, Livingstone Island, South Shetland Islands. 12 January 2023.

This penguin didn't seem to be bothered by my presence. They're funny looking things. I have to remember that their seeming clumsiness on land is not representative of their agility in the water when they are looking for food.

L'Austral naturalists inform us that we will see three species of penguins on this trip: Chinstrap, Gentoo, and Adelie. Note the black line - chin strap - on the penguin's neck.


What a wonderful trip you had! I enjoyed seeing the photos. Be sure and catch the current movie out Argentina:1985. It is the story of the civil trial of the 9 generals who took over the country in 1976 and reigned for 7 years with kidnapping, torture and disappearing of over 10,000 citizens. Really well done. I think I watched it on Prime or was it Netflix?

Provo, UT.

Looks great Steve. I did a similar trip 6 or 7 years ago on a similarly small ship of which I was a part owner (Antarctic Dream). I am now in southern Chile (Talca) checking out our vineyards.



An exciting new adventure—enjoy!

The Monk,
Salina, UT

Thanks Steve, for "taking us along" on your amazing adventures!

Drummer J,
Lehi, UT.

A long way to go to ogle snow, ice, rocks, penguins and seals.. Did I miss something? What else is there down there? Was this Sir Edmund Hillary redux? You went because it was there?

Sandy, UT

Had other PC friends do similar trip & they loved it!
Have great time.

Jackson, WY

Steve.. Thanks for a terrific write-up and pictures. I am copying Liana so she can participate in our experiences.

Washington, DC

Fascinating! Thank you!

Salt Lake City, UT

Does Argentina still have Peugeot as a preferred car? Third slide.
Nissan was not yet there when I lived in BA. Ford Falcons and one other make were being assembled in 1970. Fun trip,

Los Angeles, CA

Thanks very much for the travelogue here and on FB. All very fascinating.

Massapequa, NY