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Picto Diary - 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 February 2019 - Mountain Workout

Above: 36). Image: Moose above Mountaineer lift. Deer Valley.12 February 2019.

Image by PGA (I saw the moose when I skied this lift earlier).

Jabber with 'Bird at Snow Park. Meet his friend Sven, who beat Ingmar Stenmark on a slalom practice run the late '60's.

Skied pre break AM with Golf.

Golf's best story is how brother, Delhi Pajamas, after a bad, potentially brain impairing ski injury a year ago, is back teaching ski lessons at Canyons again.

Golf's second best story. His Dad, whom I knew well, called operations head at Sundance Resort to have Golf's pass pulled for two weeks. Golf was cutting class every day at BYU to ski at Sundance. Pass was pulled, but Golf said he skied at Alta instead.

Golf's third best story. He's been to Ireland twenty times to play golf.

Golf and I commiserated over the recent passing of his cousin Bryce. Bryce was a friend of TIMDT and Mwah at BYU.

Golf, expert skier, took pity on me and skied the AM with me, on my routine. I love it when experts deign to hang out with me. I courted TIMDT at Golf's house in the late '60's when she was his and his four brothers' au pair.

Cushing's break social hour: Montage, PGA, My Belle, Liliʻuokalani, and Kamehameha, The Bishop.

Skied out the rest of the AM with Montage.

Bluebird. Great snow. — at Deer Valley Resort.

Above: Iron Canyon cul de sac. 13 February 20189,

Working from home.

Above: (37). File image. Bald Mountain. Deer Valley 14 February 2019.

12 inches new in last 24 hours. Settled base now at 115 inches.

Today windy with flat light. Pretty challenging skiing... one of those days where you burn more calories per vertical foot of descent. Accordingly I only skied 10 runs.

Gabbed, as usual, with 'Bird pre ski at Snow Park Lodge. No ski tips today. He recited his happy experience skiing with his friend Swen day before yesterday. Sven, in the day, late '60's, once beat Ingmar Stenmark in a practice slalom run.

Sven now drives a transcontinental 18 wheeler. At times I have aspirations to drive a rig. Alone on a motorcycle 15 years ago in Medicine Hat, I rode into a filling station late at night. A beautiful red cab and chrome tank Peterbilt tanker was refilling the gas station's supply. I walked up to the truck driver and said, "nice rig. I've often dreamed of driving across the country in a big rig." "Buddy, he said, "you don't want to do this. This work sucks."

The Actuary came into the 2002 room at Snow Park to tell me he'd update tomorrow, at Wasatch Bagel, on his participation at Father Charles' recent event to facilitate liberals and conservatives better understanding one another/

Heavy winds had closed the gondola and the lifts to the top of Bald Mountain. I skied, alone, several of the Carpenter runs and found real smooth inch or two snow on top of second grooming shift snow.

I skied over to Mountaineer and did two laps on Silver Hill. Also, here, was two or three inches on late grooming, but, as the altitude was lower, the snow was heavier. Its warm here now... above freezing last night... so the snow is wet. Turns don't just happen naturally, you have to force the turn a little harder.

I met up with My Belle and PGA at Cushing's break. They're heading back to NC later today, but, they expect to be back out to Deer Valley a couple of more times before the season ends. — at Deer Valley Resort.

Above: (38) Shadow portrait. Dew Drop ski run. Deer Valley, UT. 15 February 2019.

Many people I meet on the ski lift chair tell me how lucky I am able to be able ski every day. I tell people that I am retired and that if I weren't skiing, I'd have to go to the gym, hike or snow shoe. I'd need to do something to stay active. Like the gym may be for some, my daily skiing is very much a workout regimen.

Apart from the work out discipline, and the pure enjoyment of being outdoors in the exhilarating, clean, cold air, one of the things I like about daily skiing is the ever present challenge to improve. There is always something to work on so as to become a better skier.

I have enjoyed my morning chats with 'Bird at Snow Park Lodge. Over the course of the last six weeks 'Bird, a forty year ski instructor, has given me a lot of pointers.... as in "point" your toe into the turn... pun intended.

I have endeavored to apply the lessons I learn from 'Bird on the ski slopes.

But isn't skiing a social experience as well as a training and conditioning discipline?

It's an extent.

I enjoy skiing with companions. I also enjoy skiing alone. Skiing by myself I am able to work on the "pointers" with out being obliged to satisfy the exigencies of group togetherness.

Primarily, I think of my ski morning as a work out... so many runs to accomplish... so many techniques to work on... so many calories to burn.

There is a saying. "No friends on a powder day." NFPD. When the ski conditions are optimal, people for whom skiing is a passion want to maximize the enjoyment of the new powder snow. Therefore, they ski alone.

Most days, however, are not powder days. On non powder days, skiers of varying ability can ski together, and more easily stay together as a group. On a "normal" ski day, the potential to accomplish ski "work out" objectives while also making the outing a social experience is much greater. You can have your cake and eat it too!

Social skiing and workout skiing don't always work.. particularly when high maintenance skiers are part of the group... late for scheduled rendezvous, need for frequent pit stops etc.

Its a blend. There is room for both.... solitary ski focus... and skiing enjoyment with friends. The key is to find the right balance.

Above: (39). Upper Dew Drop. 16 February 2019.

President's Weekend. 2002 Room filled (!) 8:15 AM at my arrival. Jabbered with 'Bird, DOE, and 'Cake pre ski.

Cushings break with DOE, 'Cake, and B1b.
Skied out post break with DOE and B1b, including two laps Magnet!

Epic day. Bluebird. Avoided crowds. 8 inches new snow.

Above: Bishop and 'Cake. 16 February 2019.

'Cake's image, above, with 'Cake quote below:

Great morning skiing with the Bishop and great afternoon watching the Drake Bulldog men's team notch their 20th victory of the season and rise to #2 in the Missouri Valley conference. BTW the Drake women are 10-1 in the conference, about 30th in the National polls.



I enjoy reading your book reviews. The one on Polk was particularly well done, I thought.

As you may remember, I founded a Boston-based, conservative news website in 2015 – NewBostonPost.

The link below is a book review I wrote on a superb biography of De Gaulle. If I remember correctly, you did your missionary work in France so I thought you might be interested in the book review and perhaps reading the book.

Here’s the link:

All the best,

Boston, MA