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Picto Diary - 12-13 March 2018 --TIMDT waiting for treatment

Above: Bishop atop Jordanelle ski run. Deer Valley. 12 March 2017.

Day 23.

Typically my first run the day. Jordanelle combines the best of skiing with an exhilarating vista.

Spring skiing conditions. It froze overnight... but grooming was on the slushy soft snow, due warm temperatures, there at the end of yesterday. The result this morning... if the snow was groomed during the early shift, groomed surface fairly hard, icy with irregular troughs in the snow separating the grooming rows. You can get an edge OK, but it is important... more so than normal... to pay attention lest your skis get at cross purposes with some of the grooming irregularities. Fun day, notwithstanding. 16 runs by 11:45AM

Above: Vista from top of Empire Lift. Deer Valley,. Image looks SSW, and shows south central Wasatch Range in the foreground, including Provo Peak, and southern most Wasatch, Mt. Nebo, barely visible in the notch, 75 miles distant. Mt. Nebo is the Wasatch's tallest peak, just under 12K feet.

From here I skied Orion. As with Jordanelle, for me skiing is better when complemented by terrific outdoor scenes.

Above: Starbucks, American Fork, UT. 12 March 2017.

It's Monday PM. Knowing of, and concerned about my phobia, management saves the corner chair for me.

TIMDT is so trepidacious, she stayed in the car... well it embellishes my story, but, truth be told, she just wants to telephone talk with her cronies without me in earshot. She usually waits for Bud over at Caleb Chapman. But the sofas are too low there and she fears not being able to stand. She said she'd join me inside this pressure cooker before 6:00 PM.

I wish I had more leverage over TIMDT now that she ails (ACL tear). But, she was so selfless taking care of me during my recent broken tibia plateau period, that I couldn't eucher concessions out of her in return for more husband care and still look at myself in the mirror.

Back to the matter at hand...on my guard, ever attentive, prioritizing escape routes and possible offensive countermeasures.
— drinking coffee at Starbucks.

TIMDT's first appointment with the surgeon is Thursday, 15 March 2017. She's somewhat despondent as she considers the wait to find out the next step. She's worried about not being able to get into surgery before the end of the month. I told her not to worry about stuff she can't help right now. When we talk to the surgeon on Thursday, then we can follow his recommendation or map out an alternative step.

TIMDT ruptured an ACL in a lift get off ski accident 03 March.

14 March 2017

Day 24.


Like yesterday, bluebird, freeze overnight, morphing to 45 degrees by 11:00 AM. Good AM skiing, with South facing slopes softening quickly. 16 runs. Stockli and Mwah (sic)( had breakfast together at Snow Park Lodge before starting skiing at 9:00 AM.



So sorry to hear of Margaret's accident, and hoping damage is minimal with "surgery-not" recovery. Looking forward to seeing y'all week after next.

Mezzanine, Miami, FL


Way to go, Bishop!

Kat, Dallas, TX


Sorry to hear about Margaret's fall. Hope you give her all of the care and attention that she gave you. Also hope she heals quickly.

Nathans, Orlando, FL


I’m so sorry to hear about Margaret ‘s injury. You have big shoes to fill. From all accounts, Margaret was an excellent caregiver. Is there another cruise upcoming??

Hoping for a speedy recovery.

Gerry and Mary

Cruise scheduled for June. We'll go. Poetic justice?

The Popes riddle about snowboarders was pretty good. Alta and Deer Valley could use it in an ad campaign.

Bountiful UT


Here’ wishing Margaret a speedy, but most importantly, a COMPLETE recovery.

The bright side of this is that you are both in a condition to take care of each other when the necessity arises. (The other side of the coin?)

Cheers to both of you,

Ahn Rhee, Larkspur, CA

Oh boy, sorry to hear. Skiing is dangerous. My sister Raquel has a very bad knee from it. Similar accident as your wife.

Miami, FL:

FYI, Charlie Lind was the doc for my knee replacement back in 2010 or so. It took a year or longer to get back to 100%, but the thing seems to be pretty bullet-proof now (although I have felt a bit of pain in the leg below the knee the past year or so – maybe not due to the knee though as I have lots of other issues between my lower spine and my left foot). Charlie is a good guy and gets an A+ from me as a knee surgeon.

And, of course, as time moves on the left knee that Lind worked on (the “bad” knee) has now become the “good” knee as my arthritis attacks my right knee and hip.

Billy Barker,
Park City, UT

Did she give you a few gummy bears?

Ojai, CA

Sidebar: Made a short journey into Laos, cabin fever from here in Chiang Mai. Took momma - we both came back sick (colds and for her, maybe flu). Travel when sick sucks-slept two days upon return. No trouble with my busted leg from am gaining some confidence in using (not enough to try and kick-start my Indians). but got another 8 weeks before that becomes an issue.

Dr. G,
Chiang Mai, Thailand

Great news for you. I was sad for you, thinking that you might have to give up skiing.

Seattle, WA

Oh no! Poor Margaret. Please let me know how I can help.

Mrs. Driggs,
Park City, UT

Dear Margaret,

I just read Steve's email. I am so sorry to learn of your injury - what rotten luck. Hope you are in good spirits despite everything.
As you know, I fell down a rabbit hole in September whilst playing golf. It was a totally freak accident but snapped my leg right back. Crutches. MRI. Crutches. Ruptured my ACL. Thought it was the end of everything. Then I weighed up all the options and listened very carefully to the advice of my (very conservative) orthopaedic surgeon - always good when medics are conservative! Given my age and the fact that I won't be competing in the Olympics ever again(!!) i opted for the intensive rehab route. It was the best option for me and I am so pleased I chose it. I saw my orthopaedic surgeon 3 times and was signed off after Christmas when I returned mid January. I skied carefully, as you know at Christmas, without a brace as I was incredibly nervous but I was really surprised and very pleased.
I worked very hard at it and kept the faith. Stability is much improved and I returned to full fitness, golf, walking etc.. more quickly than the experts predicted.
A girlfriend here opted for surgery when she tore her ACL last year. She is my age and a runner. She regretted her decision as it took months and months with complications.
My lead physio (whom I saw at least twice a week for months and who supervised my exercise programme) convinced me that the non surgical route was the way I should go. Just like my surgeon. She ruptured her ACL two years ago whilst skiing in Switzerland. She is a good skier and really convinced me because she knew exactly what it was like /felt like/ what the outcome would be / timing etc..
It is perfectly possible to live a full and active life without an ACL and I am so happy with the decision I made.
Anyway, I do hope this information helps you to realise that, perhaps, surgery might not always be the only option out there when treating a ruptured ACL. I am living proof of that and could party all night now with my lovely boys - only I wouldn't wish to cramp their style!!!
Good luck with your recovery. Do let me know what you decide and please call me if you want to discuss anything or have questions.
With love and healing thoughts from us all.

Eton Mum,
Devon, UK

Oh boy, sorry to hear. Skiing is dangerous. My sister Raquel has a very bad knee from it. Similar accident as your wife.

Miami, FL


Great to see you back on skis! Wish I was there. Janet and I leave for Mexico on Saturday for a week.

Bummer about Margaret. I blew out my ACL on Hidden Splendor on PCM several years ago.
With good docs and PT she'll be skiing with you next year.

Best wishes to her for a speedy recovery.

Chicago Ducati,
Chicago, IL


Sorry to hear about Margaret, best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Supposed to be golf weather here, Trump's fault!

Back out Saturday.

Greensboro, NC