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Picto Diary - 12 August 2019 - Gooseberry/Torrey (Bishop 74th)

Above: The Bishop, The Monk, and The Pope. Salina, UT. 12 August 2019.

40 year friends.

"Bringing in the Sheaves" interrupted. — eating lunch at El Mexicano Restaurant.

Note: Before the lunch purchased the obligatory pork sausage at Barretts.

Above: The Monk and the Pope. Crane Ranch property owned by The Monk. Gooseberry, UT. 12 August 2019.

Bringing in the Sheaves.

The Pope gives The Monk advice on how to maximize ranching profit.

Image shows 14 acre segment of Monk's ranch property.

This field will produce 60 round bales of hay weighing 800 pounds each.

Bales will fetch $400 each in California, but only $100 each in Utah.

The Pope tells The Monk to sell all the hay in California, then buy hay on the less expensive Utah market to feed his own cows.

The Monk mumbled something about ranch income from sale of trophy elk hunting permits. The Pope went all wide eyed and, then, changed the subject. — at Gooseberry.

Note; While driving, The Bishop and the Pope researched the difference between square bales and roll up bales. Roll up bales require equipment that is one third the cost of square bales. Square bales, of course, are better for shipping.... no wasted space. But, roll up bales, not good for shipping, cannot be ruined by exposure to water as easily as square bales.

So.... farmers who use roll up bales, are saving costs, but, because its difficult to ship their product, they usually use their product for their own nearby herds. Farmers who do the big square bales are often in the business to sell their product, often interstate.

You learn a lot on trips like this! I'm a near expert on pivots now!

Above: Bishop. Sunset Point. Capitol Reef National Park, Torrey, UT. 12 August 2019.

Bishop bares back to bake in vitamin D, a putative palliative possibly perfect for his sensitive satin smooth skin.

Waterpocket Fold mid range. Henry Mountains further back.

Tout pres d'ici un jeune homme, qui portait un "baseball cap," me voyez en train de prendre "un selfie." "Puis-je vous aider," il me demande (en Anglais)? "Non, merci" j' ai dit.

Avec le jeune homme etait sa femme et deux gosses, garcones chaqu'un.

Je lui ai demande, en Anglais, d'ou il venait?

"France," a dit-il.

Immediatement, j'ai commence une conversation en francais avec le couple.

Lui, il etait infirmiere, et elle etait chemiste. Ils habitaient dans une petite ville tout pres de Marseilles. C'etait le deuxieme fois que la jeune famille et venue aux Etats Unis en vacances.

Je leurs ait dit que j'etais en Marseille, avec ma famille, qu'il-y-a un an.

J'ai 'explique la raison pour laquelle je pourais parler francais. C'est a dire, anciennment, bien avant qu'ils ne soyaient nees, j'etais missionaire de l'eglise autrefois connu comme "Mormon."

J'ai dit que je suis vecu en Paris (18eme, 14eme, Nogent sur Marne, et Chatillon sous Bagneux), et en Tours, Rennes, et La Rochelle. 1965 to 1968.

Je leurs ait recommande qu'ils doivent aller au Park Goblins, pas loin d'ici. "Surtout les gosses l'aimeraients bien," j'ai dit.

Apres etre quitter l'endroit, je me suis pense, "c'est souvent qu'on entends des langues etrangere quand on visite le Capitol Reef. Comme il est bizzare que beaucoup de Utahns, qui vivent tout pres, ne sont jamais venus ici."

Above: Rattlesnake cakes. Café Diablo, Torry, UT. 12 August 2019

Rattlesnake. Its what's for dinner. 74th birthday dinner, by the way.

Note: Tastes like chicken.



If only, in 1846, the Donner Party had had Ducatis, the whole deal would have been MUCH easier.
Planning ahead is definitely a good move.

Larkspur, CA

ps. looking for those books.