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Picto Diary - 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 February 2017 - Ev

Above: Quitting Time. Park City Mountain. 13 February 2017.


Above: Montage, TWO3, Guzzi, Killy. Iron Mountain Lift summit. Park City Mountain. 13 February 2017.

Above: Ohl and Bishop. Silver Star lift.. Park City Mountain. 14 February 2017. of the original Ski Geezers. We talked about Ev (deceased), who, circa 2008, on the Spiro run, taken from the top of this lift, was chased as he skied, almost the 200 yards distance of the full run, by a moose. At the time, Ev was unaware of having participated in the chase


Above: Kings Crown run. Park City Mountain. 14 February 2017.

Above: Peterbilt visits the Mother Ship. Paris, France. 15 February 2017.

Above: Quitting Time lower segment. 15 February 2017.

10 years ago I would have been a bit spooked by this short, narrow, semi-steep segment. Now it comes easily....


Above: Stockli. Deer Valley. 16 February 2017.

Except, today he was skiing not on Stocklis, but on Fischer World Cup GS skis. I was happy to slow down so he could keep up with me (cough). Stockli...the Imelda Marcos in ski ownership. Sometimes I can't believe that I'm a good enough skier that experts like Stockli are willing to ski with me.


Great snow on bluebird day. Jordanelle (x2) and Magnet were in best skiing condition possible for groomed skiing. Enjoying ourselves so much, we added a couple of runs to the normal DV AM routine... Peeler and Last Chance/Little Kate.

Above: DV season pass. 16 February 2017. Deer Valley, UT.

I was forced to join the "Don't You Know Who I Am? Club." DV offers no safe or convenient way to wear an annual, plastic card, season pass outside of ski clothing so lift operators can see it. Unlike, Park City Mountain, there is no electronic reading of passes stored inside ski clothing. I lost an externally worn DV pass last week when plastic broke allowing ski pass to come of belt hook cord. Fortunately, pass was found and returned to lost and found. Pass shown in image is a replacement for the pass with the broken plastic. Pass can't be be worn externally to ski clothing around the neck because it flies into your face.

Sooo... I have to wear the pass under my ski clothing to minimize the risk of loss. When the liftie asks for pass, I have to say, "don't you know who I am," or stop to unzip the jacket to show the actual pass. Not complaining... just sayin'. 1st World problem. I can deal with it.

Above: Provo Peak. From Empire Lift summit. Deer Valley. 16 February 2017.

Above: The "Elephant graph." 17 February 2017.

The single most important chart that explains the election of Donald Trump.

The horizontal axis divides the global population into groups according to their wealth, and the vertical axis shows how much their wealth improved over a recent twenty year period. The striking message is that the low to middle income groups (mostly in India and China) did very well while most people in the wealthy countries did not do well--with the exception of the top 1 %--the trunk of the elephant.

Above: Blessed, Honored, Pioneer (lift). 17 February 2017. Park City Mountain.


Images individually captioned.

Skied the four C's (do you get a pin for this?)

Carbide Cut

(shoulda done some other 'C's... Climax for one.

Getting busy with all the vacationers coming in. Nicest thing I can say is that the tourists pay the bills.

Above: Eagle Lift over terrain park. Park City Mountain. 17 February 2017.

Above: Resort Center. Park City Mountain. From Crescent ski run. 17 February 2017.



Park City, UT