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Picto Diary - 13, 14, 15 August 2021 - Telluride Jazz Festival

Above: Spectators, including a granny (blue hat) and a very large dog, for Hooligan's Band. Telluride Jazz Festival 13 August 2021.

The big black dog in the image, at times, seemed to be more popular than the music!

Above: "The Inevitables," Telluride Jazz Festival, 13 August 2021.

Post Season Awards: Best Soloist in Inevitables band: Phin Hailey

Above: Drums and Friends. Society Stage. Telluride Jazz Festival, 13 August 2021.

Above: Granny, Bishop, Caleb Chapman. Society Stage, Telluride Jazz Festival. 13 August 2021;

Oh... did I mention? Caleb Chapman is a genius.

Caleb Chapman seems to be well accepted here at Telluride Jazz Festival. He's brought about seven of his bands, all of which, more or less, own the Society Stage. The Society Stage is on Main Street and does not require paid entry into the festival. There are usually a couple of hundred spectators sitting on the grass or on the walled perimeter of the park watching the performances. Its a great opportunity for the kids to perform.

Caleb Chapman Soundhouse principal band, The Crescent Super Band, is on the main stage program.... quite an accomplishment for a band of fifteen to eighteen-year-olds. They play in the same program as well known professional jazz ensembles.

PS. CC made some nice comments to us grandparents about Drums' progress over the year. CC complimented us for showing support to Drums and the Soundhouse by making the trip.

Above: San Juan Mountains, Ridgway, CO. 14 August 2021.

Life in the trailer park. Slept in. Enjoying peanut butter sandwich and Black Raspberry ICE as I contemplate the San Juans.

Each evening we repair to the Base Camp RV Park in Ridgway, thirty-five miles distant from Telluride. Day time temps at this level have approached one hundred degrees since we have been here. When we're up in Telluride, 4000 feet higher in elevation, its in the mid-70's... fine, though if you're in direct sunlight at that elevation it can "feel" a little warm. Back down in Ridgway, It gets down to 80 degrees by midnight ... 72 degrees by 3:00 AM. We have used the aircon in the Sprinter. It works well... but, there is white noise. In one variation of the classic spousal dispute on room temperature, TIMDT can't sleep with the aircon on because of the noise. Bishop can't sleep sans aircon because of heat. Compromise: We agreed to turn the A/C off around 11:00 PM. I had to sweat it out until about 3:00 AM. "Margaret," I said, "its white noise... you can get used to it!" I'll have to keep working on her on this matter!

Above: Marmotte restaurant. Telluride, CO. 14 August 2021.

Beet salad, rose, and quiche.
Dined here several times over the years.
Building behind TIMDT was built by friend, Isetta, in '90's when he was a Telluride resident.
Next Crescent Super Band, Chapman's flagship band, on the main stage.
Oh. Did I mention that Caleb Chapman is a genius?

Above: Bishop, Drums, and Granny. Society Stage. Telluride Jazz Festival 14 August 2021.

Above: Crescent Super Band. Main Stage. Telluride Jazz Festival. 14 August 2021

Above: Little Big Band. Societe Stage. Telluride Jazz Festival, 15 August 2021.

Post Season Awards. Drums, best musician in Little Big Band.

Above: Phin and Phriends, Granny and Bishop. Society Stage. Telluride Jazz Festival, 15 August 2021.