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Picto Diary - 14, 15 April 2019 - Introduction to Ireland

Above: Sherbourne Hotel. Dublin, Ireland 14 April 2019.

Here, I spent my first night in Ireland. TIMDT informed me that there is a recent Amazon Prime television series showing, step by step, the restoration of this "grande dame" hotel.

TIMDT had been to Ireland, though not Dublin, some ten years ago while traveling with her cronies.

We met up with our tour organizers and traveling companions, Hoops and Bronx Girl, and dined at the hotel restaurant, Saddleback.

After dinner we walked over to O'Donahue's Pub and soaked up a bit of Irish folk music from a live group playing there. I'm not a beer aficionado, but, I felt I needed to try Ireland's famed Guiness beer. I asked the bar tender for the smallest size of Guiness I could have. He handed me about a finger's worth in a whiskey shot glass... all the while laughing his head off. I learned that 'half pint' is the way to order a small beer portion.

My brain is pretty much an empty slate re Ireland. While I have been an eager student of the British colonial period, whatever learnings I have acquired have been focused on Asia and Africa. I look forward, over the next ten days, to filling in pieces of the puzzle that make up Ireland.

Above: Nicholas Moss pottery. County Kilkenny, Ireland. 15 April 2019. (file image)

First stop. Four of us are in a hired, five passenger, Mercedes van, with local, Mary O'Leary as our hired driver and guide. Our first stop, heading southeast towards Waterford and Cork, is a shopping stop.

In the short distance driven to date, we're finding that Mary, a resident of County Cork, three kids out of the nest, is a fount of local knowledge and a competent driver. She and her husband once owned a farm in France.... somewhere near Bourges... Poitiers.... Limoges.

I've made fun, over the years of TIMDT and cronies' seeming propensity to elevate shopping ahead of sightseeing while touring, but, I have to admit that this pottery stop was impressive. Nicholas Moss stuff has a world class reputation. It was fun seeing the business at its source.

Above: TIMDTY and Irish bovines. County Kilkenny, Ireland. 15 April 2019.

Dairy and meat account for four percent of Ireland exports, $4 billion in 2018. Notwithstanding, as we travel the roads of rural, south eastern Ireland, farmsteads dominate the landscape.

Would you believe that pharmaceuticals, 53 billion 2018, at 32% of total exports, is Ireland's leading export?

Speaking of driving in rural Ireland... that means driving in most of Ireland. Greater Dublin, at 1.7 million, has a third of Ireland's population. The next largest cities... like Waterford, or Galway, barely crack 100 thousand residents.


Above: View from Cliff House, Ardmore, County Waterford, Ireland. 15 April 2019.

We were warned about the weather in Ireland. Still, this image bespeaks a stark beauty likely indicative of more sights we will see in the next ten days.

This place is advertised as five star, though it was a bit frayed. Notwithstanding, it was worth the stop. Views were spectacular and the meal was excellent.


Walking? Didn't want to pay the green zone auto fee which is reducing the carbon pollution which is tantamount to smoking ten Lucky Strikes a day. Good you benefit from this seemingly extreme regulation.

Hancock, ME

Absolutely right, Privateer. But for our sensibilities about saving the earth, we would have definitely hired a driver and an F350 to take us around downtown London. I feel so virtuous!

Hi Steve

How times have changed. In September, 1999, Sharon and I visited the Churchill War Rooms. We just showed up, paid 7 pounds and walked in--no reservations, etc. There was security of course.

Now, it would seem, tourist attractions are inundated--think the USA national parks-- with visitors.

Midway, UT

Assange was not released he was carried out by five or six man sitting in a chair; I think the word would be evection !! War room which I have seen on the tube looks to be very cool ! Enjoy- How is Dick feeling? 🏍😎

Ojai, CA

As usual your wife is correct that stores been around since the beginning of the Empire 👻

Ojai, CA