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Picto Diary - 14 October 2018 - Ashland to Park City

Above: Lori. Manager, Oaktree Restaurant, Ashland, OR. 14 October 2018. 6:00 AM. Breakfast.

Oak Tree Manager Lori. Keeper of Bob Peterson's flame. Wearing Bob's Southern Pacific Railroad cap. Bob, an Oaktree regular... a ROMEO... died three years ago. I enjoyed talking with Bob at the breakfast counter over a period of three or four years. Excepting for the period where he fought in Europe in WWII, he was a life long employee of the Southern Pacific Railroad, working the Siskiyou spur from Redding, CA to Medford, OR.

Lori is moving, after four years at Oaktree, to Las Vegas where she will open up her own place, and be a close proximity grandmother to three.

"Now that you're leaving Ashland," I asked Lori, "who will be the keeper of Bob Peterson's flame?"

"Anna, my assistant manager, "Lori replied. "Anna never met Bob... she's only been with me for a year. But, she's well aware of Bob's legacy at Oaktree." — at Oaktree Northwest Bar & Grill.

Above: NV SR 140. 25 miles west of Denio Junction, NV. 14 October 2018.

Purple Mountain Majesty. Looking east. 1:00 PM.

We drove the whole way back. 750 miles. Lunch at Subway in Lake View, OR. Gas stop in Winnemucca, NV. Homage to Ray Croc in Elko, NV. Bishop's compensation for foregoing the prime rib at the Winnemucca Inn and the stopover at Gold Country Best Western, was TIMDT taking the wheel for 100 miles between Winnemucca and Elko. I tried to get her to do the next fifty miles between Elko and Wells, but, she refused, saying the deal was struck and that I had to honor it.

We enjoyed the drive. Unfolding basin and range vistas call out for rapt attention.


Tried three times to put a monkey puzzle tree on our property next to the driveway over about four years. Failed three times. They really are quite unusual and interesting. Now have a ginko tree in that spot, apparently doing fine.

Perfesser (sic),
Ashland, OR