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Picto Diary - 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 October 2018 - Books

Above: "On Desperate Ground," by Hampton Sides. Wasatch Bagel, Park City, UT. 15 October 2018.

Just me this morning. In anticipation of being alone from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM I always bring a book. This is one of fifteen or so books I have read more than half way through, but, have yet to complete. This one reads quickly and the subject matter is exciting... so, it will probably be the next book I finish.

Others in line,, more than half completed, and more likely than others to be finished sooner rather than later.

"Tales of the Alhambra," by Washington Irving
"Cadillac Desert," by Marc Reisner
"Borrowed Time," by James Freeman and Vern McKinley
"The Fifth Risk," by Michael Lewis

In old age, I have a strong desire to fill gaps in knowledge, not filled over the years because of work and family responsibilities. I love the reading... but, I don't seem to have the discipline to stick with any one book from beginning to end sans interrupting the process by starting another book... or another... or another. Doing book reports on all books that I complete forces me to burn into memory what I learned from the reading experience.

Above: Josh Mann, candidate (independent write in) for Summit County Council, speaks to La Societe Deux Magots (LSDM). 16 October 2018. Wasatch Bagel, Park City, UT.

MONEY QUOTE: "The Kimball Circulator is a huge waste of money."

Above: Z works Rubix Cube. Salt Lake City, UT. 17 October 2018.

I never was able to do this myself... for reasons of having little patience, or, little intellect... or some combination of both.

Going back thirty years ago, friends' kids, C and K, aced the Rubix Cube seemingly without effort.

C is a recently appointed Federal Judge and K is a successful ENT doctor.

C and K were born of "goodly' parents. K and his family visited us in Park City mid-summer this year, 2018.

Don't know if Z man will figure it out or not. C and K were several years older when they solved the cube.

Above: Chris Neville and Meaghan Miller-Gitlin, candidates, respectively, for Utah House Districts 53 and 54, speak to La Societe Deux Magots. 18 October 2018. Wasatch Bagel, Park City, UT.

MONEY QUOTE: Utah's philosophy on public education is to be satisfied with average results with minimal education spending. Meaghan Miller-Gitlin.— at Wasatch Bagel Café.

I have been impressed with the quality of young people running for state offices. Both of these (pictured) thirty somethings are Democrats, running in gerrymandered districts, with little likelihood of winning their elections.

Utah's legislature is heavily Republican. Gerrymandering helps sustain a disproportionate Republican majority, while effectively denying political influence to "blue" Utah locales such as Park City/Summit County.

Broadly speaking, my own political proclivities lean conservative, but, I believe that the state would benefit from having more progressives in the state legislature. The passion and idealism of some of these Democrat office seekers would liven up the statewide debate on such issues such as public education. There is an argument for Utahns to reconsider putting more per pupil money in education, for example. Its the progressive candidates, not the Pub incumbents, who push for this.

Hats off to these young people for their energetic efforts to "kick against the pricks."

Above: Glenn Wright, Summit County Councilman, speaks to La Societe Deux Magots (LSDM). 19 October 2018. Wasatch Bagel.

Image hat tip: Long Beach

MONEY QUOTE: "We need to clear our forests of dead wood, which is fuel for intensive forest fires. Dead wood can be recycled into viable building technologies. I'm working with the US Forest Service, city and county officials, and the Utah State Legislature to eliminate roadblocks to improved forest management."

Am I hearing Glenn right (no pun intended)? He's spot on on this one. But, usually progressive/Democrat office holders like Glenn follow the Sierra Club party line when it comes to forest management eg. no logging, no clearing of dead fuel.

Glenn typically walks his talk... he is fighting hard, working with Rocky Mountain Power, to provide a 100% green electric power option for Summit County residents willing to pay the extra freight. Glenn points to the fact that solar and wind power costs are declining and soon will be equal to natural gas and coal fired electricity. Knowing of Glenn's commitment to do what he says, I don't doubt that he'll make progress on this initiative.

I hope he fights just as hard on the fire risk issue. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.


Wonderful summary...Maui was at Deux Magot as well, but drinking Champaign with new friends while I was posing.

Park City, UT

Above: Spook and Karen. Bozeman, MT Museum of Natural History. 19 October 2018.

Among the amazing learnings coming from my reading last month of "Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs," by Steve Bruscette, was that T-Rex never new Brontosaurus. Their species lived nearly 100 million years apart from one another.

Above: Montage at Venice Beach. Los Angeles, CA. 18 October 2018.

Montage, experimenting with selfies, lets us know about the great SoCal, October climate.